• Biodiversity, Agrobiodiversity and Ecosystem Change 

      Girot Pignot, Pascal Oliver (2011)
      Biodiversity is the variety of life, in all its forms. It provides the foods and medicines used around the world today, the fiber for clothes, and many of the materials for shelter and houses, and a plethora of other goods ...
    • Plant Disease, Pests and Erosion of Biodiversity 

      Girot Pignot, Pascal Oliver (2011)
      Biodiversity is the variety of life, in all its forms. It provides the foods and medicines used around the world today, the fibre for clothes, many of the materials for shelter and houses, and a plethora of other goods and ...
    • Raíz y Vuelo 

      Girot Pignot, Pascal Oliver (2000)
      Promover la conservación y el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales y de la biodiversidad en Mesoamérica es la razón del trabajo de la Unión Mundial para la Naturaleza, UICN. Esta es su misión en esta y en otras partes ...
    • Recursos Naturales, Medio Ambiente y Biodiversidad: la Contribución, las Responsabilidades y las Demandas de América Latina 

      Girot Pignot, Pascal Oliver (2010)
      La naturaleza de América Latina ha sido tan pródiga que, a pesar de siglos de inserción al mercado mundial y de explotación intensiva de su base de recursos naturales, aún ostenta una extraordinaria diversidad biológica y ...
    • The Darien Region between Colombia and Panama: Gap or Seal? 

      Girot Pignot, Pascal Oliver (2002)
      The Darien Gap stands, at the dawn of the XXIst Century, as a remainder of the linkages between local and global fenomena. At the crossroads of the Americas, bridge and canal, the Darien Gap remains un forded. A mere 80 ...