Volumen 36, Número 1
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Ítem De ciudades y pasiones. Un acercamiento a cuatro cuentos latinoamericanos del fin de siglo.(2012-08-16 00:00:00) Caamaño Morúa, VirginiaThis essay discusses an approach to four short stories set in four Latin American cities in the present day. Through stories told of the experiences of the protagonists, it is possible to understand the daily lives of the population of these cities, under the influence of phenomena originating from the processes of globalization which have been incorporated into these societies, their own uses and values as globalized cultures. The noticeable social segregation, the increase of inequality, the insecurity and the violence that these transformations have caused, have affected the intimate life of the people and the relations that can or cannot be established among them, in the search for pleasure or at least in the attempt to continue surviving.Ítem Definición del concepto de nombre a través de la gramática centrada en el verbo o gramática viva.(2012-08-16 00:00:00) Corrales Martín, Norma; Bell Corrales, MaritzaWhen studying Spanish grammars of different character, structural, functionalist or generativist, it can be noticed that the concept of parts of the sentence or grammatical categories, and particularly the concept of noun, still follows the traditional paradigm centered in the noun- subject defined by Nebrija, Bello and Cuervo and the Real Academia since 1771. Using a grammar centered in the verb, verbal grammar or Gramática Viva, and using a corpus of 50 popular Hispanic songs, expression of language in action, chosen for their grammatical and semantic richness, we intent to demonstrate that noun and other grammatical categories can be defined in a more productive manner. Our objective is to propose a paradigm which, taking the verb as the essential category, allows to differentiate morpho-syntactically between: a) Substantive, adjective and adverb as primary categories, that is, nouns; b) Adjective as a secondary category qualifying and quantifying substantive nouns; c) Adverb as a secondary category quantifying and intensifying substantive nouns, adjective nouns, and adverb nouns; and d) Adverb as a tertiary category intensifying adjectives and adverbs.Ítem Juan varela, de Adolfo Herrera García: un alegato a favor del Homo oeconomicus.(2012-08-16 00:00:00) González Muñoz, IreneIn the Costa Rican literature, Juan Varela is a short novel which has been canonized, by the institutional criticism, as the emblematic novel par excellence of the 1940s. The reason, for such consideration, is that according to critics, Juan Varela highly influenced subsequent literary work; whose prime focus was to denounce crucial social issues of that time. This article aims at establishing, from a postmodern perspective, other reading angles that could have influenced the inclusion of this literary work as mandatory in the Costa Rican school system.Ítem La estructura de modo y el sistema de modo en la cláusula del bribri de coroma según la gramática sistémico-funcional.(2012-08-16 00:00:00) Pacchiarotti, SaraThis article seeks to analyze the structure of Mood and the system of MOOD in the clause as interchange (interpersonal metafunction) according to Halliday’s systemic functional grammar (2004). With regard to the paradigmatic system of MOOD (grammaticalization of the system of speech acts), the article analyses how grammatical categories (declaratives, interrogatives, imperatives), associated with socio-semantic ones (statements, questions, orders), are construed in four Bribri (Coroma´s variation) texts. Finally, the article includes the analysis of syntagmatic Mood structure (Mood + Residue) of the bribri clause.Ítem La poesía de Domingo López Torres: hacia el surrealismo en Canarias.(2012-08-16 00:00:00) Gutiérrez, José IsmaelBecause of his political afiliation to the Socialist Party, the Canarian poet Domingo López Torres (1910-1937) was murdered in the beginnings of the Civil War after spending some months imprisonned. His compromise was not only political but also literary. Being an enemy of every type of tradicionalism, he sympathized with those renovative aesthetical tendencies that wanted to introduce the most progressist styles, ideas and conducts of 1930s Europe, which made him crucial in the process of reception of Surrealism in the island of Tenerife. This article describes López Torres’ gradual approach to the avant-garde movement led by André Breton. His two main works are analized with this aim: Diario de un sol de verano and Lo imprevisto, both inedit until 1987 and 1981 respectively. While the first volume, written around 1928, connects with the principles of Ultraism, with the Regionalism proposed by his fellow countryman Pedro García Cabrera, with Juan Ramón Jimenez’s “Pure Poetry” or with Lorca’s and Alberti’s neopopulist facets, the second one, composed in the prison of Fyffes, just before he died, reveals the use of openly surrealistic procedures and imagesÍtem Lenguas minoritarias de Venezuela: consideraciones desde la perspectiva ecolingüística.(2012-08-16 00:00:00) Bondarenko, Natalia V.The article deals with the problem of survival of minority languages (indigenous languages and languages of foreign diasporas) in Venezuela. The objectives were to explain the origin, evolution and maintenance of the linguistic diversity of the country, from the ecolinguistics perspective, and to make projections towards the future. After explaining the concept of linguistic ecology and comparing its objects of study to those of linguistics, the article proceeds to define linguistic contact as a starting point where begins the decline in the number of speakers of the minority language, to present the functional distribution of uses as the principal factor to estimate the continuity of the minority language, and to suggest measures for a prompt ecolinguistic intervention in order to rescue the endangered language, always taking into account the will of the respective linguistic group. It is concluded that ecolinguistic sustainability model presents itself as an opportunity for the maintenance of the linguistic diversity of Venezuela, along the road of sociolinguistic justice and equality.Ítem L’IMAGINAIRE FANTASTIQUE CHEZ NODIER ET L’INSPIRATION BIBLIQUE(2012-08-16 00:00:00) Boruszko, GracielaCharles Nodier, pioneer writer of the fantastic narrative in France, transfers biblical images into his stories. The transposed image is studied in parallel with the original image. This analysis explores from a comparative approach the intersections of literary narrative, the transposition of biblical images and the results of the insertion of those modified images in a new network of meaning. The intertextuality generated from this exchange, favors the creation of a new cosmogony that without hesitation incorporates the biblical world, proposing a new interpretation of the supernatural cosmos.Ítem Pidgin afroportugués del Atlántico.(2012-08-16 00:00:00) Portilla Chaves, MarioIn this article it is established that the Iberian-based Creole languages of South America (Saramaccan, Papiamento, and Palenquero) are genetically related to the Portuguese creoles of West Africa (Caboverndian, Guinea-Bissau Kriol, Saotomense, Angolar, Principense, and Annobonese). This kinship is confirmed by means of a comparison of several wordlists. This vocabulary shows special features shared by the compared Creoles. However, those features can not be found in standard Portuguese.Ítem Recursos lingüísticos en la titulación periodística costarricense: el caso de La Nación y el diario La Extra.(2012-08-16 00:00:00) Cuvardic García, Dorde; Vargas Castro, ErickaThe following article analyses the linguistic strategies involved in the headings’ writing process used by two of the most important Costa Rican newspapers: La Extra, main sensationalist journal, and La Nación, main dominant reference diary. Morphological, syntactic, and semantic mechanisms will be analyzed, along with other aspects such as suffixation, prefixation, initials, tropes (metaphor, allegory, synecdoche, metonymy), shortenings, idioms, direct and indirect style –of the reproduced speech source-, agent and passive auxiliary elision, and the use of the inclusive “we”. The conclusion points out that headings’ linguistic form tends to be prompted by ideological and stylistic factors; therefore, techniques focused on language economy predominate. The pursue of concision and phatic influence on readers motivates the syntactic structure and chosen vocabulary. In La Extra, the mechanisms used in the headlines’ conformation are similar to those sensationalist procedures taken into account in other Latin American countries –such as slang preference-, while La Nación shows some differences compared to other newspapers of dominant reference –like the low presence of nominalization processes.Ítem Sistemas de exclusión y violencia en relatos de los salvadoreños Manlio Argueta y Claudia Hernández(2012-08-16 00:00:00) Gairaud Ruiz, HildaThe following article examines exclusion based on predominant types of identity as a means of violence that sometimes is hidden, obscured, or blurred in discourse. In this case, the manifestations of this type of violence are explored taking into consideration the effects of the European modernity and the colonial processes in the Central American region. In addition, violence is evidenced in texts written by two writers with the aim of revealing the ways of representing exclusion in the post-revolutionary period in El Salvador. Both the literary devices and the style employed by these authors are associated to the systems of degradations discussed by Mijail Bajtín and they illustrate, in diverse ways, the subjectivity of this Central American country.Ítem Sistemas de exclusión y violencia en relatos de los salvadoreños Manlio Argueta y Claudia Hernández.(2012-08-16 00:00:00) Gairaud Ruiz, HildaThe following article examines exclusion based on predominant types of identity as a means of violence that sometimes is hidden, obscured, or blurred in discourse. In this case, the manifestations of this type of violence are explored taking into consideration the effects of the European modernity and the colonial processes in the Central American region. In addition, violence is evidenced in texts written by two writers with the aim of revealing the ways of representing exclusion in the post-revolutionary period in El Salvador. Both the literary devices and the style employed by these authors are associated to the systems of degradations discussed by Mijail Bajtín and they illustrate, in diverse ways, the subjectivity of this Central American country.Ítem Woody Allen lee a Dostoievski.(2012-08-16 00:00:00) Víquez Jiménez, AlíThe article makes a comparison between two films of Woody Allen, Crimes and Misdemeanors and Match Point, and the fictional inter-text of Dostoyevsky. This author concludes that Woody Allen constructs a re-reading of the ethical problems derived from the atheism from which Dostoyevsky categorically separates himself, and although the Russian asserts that a moral order underlies the universe, Allen proposes that such order not only does not exist, but its absence demonstrates the nonexistence of God.