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Ítem A critical review of the construction of a myth in the autos sacramentales The Great Theater of the World and Life is a Dream by Pedro Calderón de la Barca(2013-01-10 00:00:00) González Muñoz, IreneThis paper is a critical review that evidences theideological premises that support two autos sacramentales authored by Pedro Calderón de la Barca.Ítem A Multivariate analysis model. The image of General Studies and management quality(2015-05-31 00:00:00) Rodríguez Bolaños, José AlbertoThe article focuses on the design, theoretical foundation and practical application of the model of multivariate or factorial analysis to measure the quality of customer service (general studies students) by the faculty. The article is divided into three parts: the first is a theoretical introduction on service quality, continuous improvement, the importance of statistical data and systematic evaluation. The second part is a reflection on the quantitative and qualitative methods, and its importance in the measurement of social processes, in particular about the model I designed for the School of General Studies. In the third part the technical characteristics and the statistics of the multivariable model are explained, as well as the variables and factors of the study, the comparative results in terms of management indicators by factor and variables for the School and its divisions.Ítem Arte público en la Sede del Atlántico, Universidad de Costa Rica (2014-2017)(2019) Bonilla Elizondo, Pablo AntonioEste artículo presenta un conjunto de proyectos de arte público realizadas en la Sede Universitaria del Atlántico, en Turrialba, desde la implementación de la carrera de Diseño Gráfico en dicho recinto. Los proyectos efectuados han transformado el espacio llenándolo de color y sentido, además, han puesto en escena los principales íconos de la cultura nacional y turrialbeña. Los proyectos también han permitido problematizar el presente de la comunidad. De esa forma, se ha logrado hacer un homenaje y rescate de la cultura e identidad local a través de una mirada crítica del presente. Además, en este artículo se exploran los conceptos de Arte público: nuevo género y el Derecho a la Ciudad como marco para fundamentar las intervenciones. Ambas nociones permiten reflexionar sobre la presencia de arte público en los campus, recintos o sedes universitarias en el marco de la formación humanista.Ítem Arte y currículum: La Escuela de Artes Plásticas de la Universidad de Costa Rica (1897-2015)(2016) Sánchez Zumbado, JimenaEl desarrollo del arte costarricense ha sido inevitablemente influido por la Escuela de Artes Plásticas desde su fundación en 1897, y luego del ingreso de esta al crearse la Universidad de Costa Rica 1940. La gran mayoría de los artistas plásticos del país han pasado por sus aulas, aprendido la técnica, absorbido sus conocimientos. Este documento recorre, a través de 118 años, el devenir histórico y curricular de la Institución de enseñanza del arte más antigua del país.Ítem Between two olive trees or the story of a dying flower that waits for a hero(2012-11-25 00:00:00) Cavallini Solano, Leda; Díaz Mondragón, LedaThe authors make a remembrance of the recent decease of José Saramago, Nobel Prize in Literature 1998, died on June 18, 2010. They pay tribute to the narrator through an interpretation of his poetics applied to children's literature, from the Saramago's statement in the sense to recover the ineffable wisdom of children.Ítem Cardumen, la música del sueño(2015-05-31 00:00:00) Boccanera, JorgeAnálisis sobre la presencia del mar en el poemario de Rodolfo Dada.Ítem City and Poetry: The Stage and Language(2014-01-30 00:00:00) Boccanera, JorgeThe author explores the relation between city and poetry, regarding to contents of the urban landscape that inspire poetic creation. It specifically examines urban cultural forms, such as infrastructure, speech, customs, social relations, that make up a particular habitat immediately contrasting with the rural landscape: the bucolic setting of the countryside to the overwhelming metropolis. The city has served well to inspire the work of poets such as Lorca, Hemingway and Borges.Ítem Conquest, domination and otherness in Bartolomé de Las Casas(2012-11-25 00:00:00) Mora Rodríguez, Luis AdriánThis article attempts an innovative approach to the work of Bartolome de Las Casas. It is argued that such work should be approached as a work of theory and political philosophy beyond its importance as a work ethic or historical. It is argued that this approach allows us to observe and criticize the changes in the discourse of Las Casas, this enables to study in depth their connections and bridges with modern political thought. Then, some possible research lines are plotted.Ítem Conservation and restoration of the cast plaster gallery at the Escuela de Artes Plásticas (school of fine arts) at the University of Costa Rica(2014-10-10 00:00:00) Zamora Rodríguez, HerbertThis article examines the status of one of the oldest plaster cast collections at the Escuela de Artes Plásticas (School of Fine Arts) at the University of Costa Rica. This plaster cast gallery dates from 1897 and the Costa Rican government acquired it as a teaching tool for academic development. The sculptures and reliefs present a series of structural damages: cracks, fractures with missing parts, and surface stains and dirt. Technical solutions for the restoration of this valuable heritage are suggested.Ítem Contemplation and salvation in the Eleusinian mysteries(2013-01-10 00:00:00) Masís Iverson, KatherineThis paper describes the manner in which the Eleusinian mysteries propitiated soteria or salvationand epopteia or contemplation among their initiates. Mystery cults are cosmopolitan rather than local, andindividually rather than collectively oriented. The Eleusinian mysteries seemed to offer life-transformingpractices and rituals to their initiates.Ítem Creativity in the teaching of literature: Some strategic proposals(2013-01-10 00:00:00) Cavallini Solano, LedaThis paper explains a pedagogical proposal forteaching Literature in the public institutions of thesecondary education. The premise is that reading literature must be an enjoyable experience in order to do ameaningful and successful teaching and learning process in the context of middle schools of the public educational system. In this proposal, imagination andcreativity are essential, whereas the literature, ratherthan an academic subject is, first of all, an expression ofthe arts that enriches our cultural heritage.Ítem Democracy, Power and Minorities in Bertrand Russell(2014-01-30 00:00:00) Carvajal Villaplana, ÁlvaroThis article offers an analysis of democracy as taming of the power, according Bertrand Russell (Power, 1938). Defense of minorities is implied by this concept of democracy, and in this paper, that defense is amplified to the defense of sexual minorities. Besides, the idea of democracy is related to the Leibniz notion about ethical control of the government, and also, to the idea of empty democracy by Jacques Ranciére.Ítem Derechos humanos, emociones y neuroética(2015) Carvajal Villaplana, ÁlvaroEl análisis de las emociones y su relación con los derechos humanos, se sustenta de datos y argumentos científicos, en especial de la Biología, la genética y la neurociencia; de igual forma, echa mano de algunas nociones de la filosofía de la mente. Esta investigación enfatiza en los aspectos epistemológicos, se trata de una aproximación analítica que busca precisar los conceptos, marcando los límites de una manera de fundamentar los derechos humanos. Esta perspectiva busca un punto medio entre el esencialismo y la construcción social, ensaya encontrar un modelo bidereccionalidad que va del mundo de la biología al mundo de la cultura y viceversa. Aunque, se critica el enfoque de la construcción social simplista.Ítem El acto de habla de la diatriba de hablante femenino en un contexto matrimonial en crisis: el caso de Diatriba de amor contra un hombre sentado, de Gabriel García Márquez(2015-05-31 22:39:11) Cuvardic García, DordeEl monólogo teatral siempre ha expresado las confesiones íntimas de sus hablantes. Es la función que también adquiere en Diatriba de amor contra un hombre sentado, la única obra teatral de Gabriel García Márquez y uno de los textos del autor colombiano que menor atención crítica ha recibido. El propósito del presente artículo es analizar este monólogo desde la pragmática literaria, entendiendo la diatriba como un acto de habla expresivo determinado por los papeles de sus protagonistas y por los específicos recursos enunciativos, temáticos y retóricos utilizados por el hablante. En el texto que nos ocupa, la diatriba es emitida por una esposa, en el marco de una crisis matrimonial. Como denuncia del machismo de la cultura patriarcal latinoamericana, se puede entender, en consecuencia, como una resemantización feminista de las tradicionales diatribas misóginas.Ítem Enlightenment Thought in Music(2014-01-30 00:00:00) Rojas Zeledón, IvetteThe Enlightenment thought of XVIII century about the reason, criticism, autonomy, progress and education, may be difficult to distinguish in the music of the time, however, we will find it in a new form of composition, in which the structure reflects all theenlightenment intellectuals, criticism ironic, and hall meetings. The following article makes clear how the composer Joseph Haydn, use these elements in an innovative form and ahead of his time, experimenting with music and audience reaction.Ítem Everyday Time: The Triumph of Each Day in Julieta Dobles’ Los pasos terrestres(2014-01-30 00:00:00) Palacios Robles, María de los ÁngelesThe poems, The terrestrial steps, Julieta Dobles Izaguirre contains a poem that includes and reappraises the everyday aspects of existence. It includes the qualities of the time that print you the pace to the experience of every day. Every day is the sign that used to point out that life experiences are carried out in daily living, that experience is also the everyday events of life itself divided into morning, afternoon and evening, as well as life passes by childhood, adulthood an old age.Every day is the time confluence of multiple temporalities, biological, psychological, linear and cyclic time where “Today” is a timeless and fleeting moment.Ítem Evolutionary Epistemology and Plato’s Knowledge(2014-01-30 00:00:00) Masís Iverson, KatherineThis paper briefly compares evolutionary epistemology and knowledge according to Plato. First, Plato’s approach to knowledge as portrayed in his Theaetetus is described, followed by Nathalie Gontier’s characterization of evolutionary epistemology. Finally, points of agreement and disagreement between Plato’s epistemology and evolutionary epistemology are discussed.Ítem From absence to poetics (fragments of amorous discourse in Machado)(2013-01-10 00:00:00) Herrera Ávila, TatianaThis paper analyzes the poem by AntonioMachado entitled “Other songs to Guiomar” and propo-ses that the text constructs a poetic that is shaped fromthe absence of the beloved, using as points of analysisthe poet’s notion of love and several of the figures propo-sed in Roland Barthes’ A Lover’s Discourse: Fragments.Ítem From Columbus to globalism: The construction of western hegemony(2015-05-31 00:00:00) Madrigal Muñoz, EduardoThe process of Globalization we live today has put us in front of the necessity of studying History in terms of global processes -namely those that verify themselves in the world level-, not only as a description of events, but from an analytical and scientific approach. This process –so far unique in human history- has been characterized by an integration of international markets, an unprecedented development of technology –particularly the computer science-, a geopoliticsgoverned by the interaction of economic blocks, and the emergence of a global culture. We do not find the existence until 1492, the real unification of the world in terms of markets, because this is the first attempt of constructing a hegemonic global form of civilization that has been called the “Modernity.” This new style of civilization will be characterized by a rational model of thought and a rationalized form of managing economy and politics, the latter known as the Modern State, who will reorganice of global exchange structures in favour of Europe occurs, as the ruling center of the world, and stays in position to impose its Modernity to the other cultures of theplanet. Modernity becomes the foremost model of evolution, development and global progress which impose to the other cultures of the planet.Ítem Grace Herrera Amighetti(2015-05-31 00:00:00) Alpízar Lobo, Ariana; Blanco Murillo, PatriciaSe reconoce la extensa y valiosa carrera de la artista.
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