Ciencias agroalimentarias
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Ítem Effects of Celmanax supplementation to prepartum dairy cows on colostrum quality and the subsequent growth and health of their calves(2014) Campos Granados, Carlos Mario; Rojas Bourrillón, Augusto; Elrod, Charles C.The objective of this study was to assess the effects of supplementing prepartum dairy cows with a product derived from yeast culture and enzymatically hydrolyzed yeast cell wall (Celmanax (CEL), Vi-COR, Mason City, IA) on colostrum quality and the subsequent health and performance of their calves. Thirty prepartum multiparous Jersey cows were blocked by parity, body condition 21 days before expected calving date and productive and reproductive performance, and randomly assigned within block to 1 of 2 treatments (n=15) from 21 days before expected calving date until calving. Rations were top-dressed with CEL at the rate of 0 or 40 g/d throughout the experiment. Calves were fed 3 L of colostrum from their dam within two hours of birth and then 4 L of whole milk daily through week 8. Total Ig in colostrum from each cow was evaluated at 25oC from the first milking with a Colostrometer™ and a sample was taken for determination of IgG by ELISA. Approximately 48 hours after birth, a blood sample was drawn by venipuncture from each calf for the determination of serum protein by refractometer and IgG by ELISA. Daily feed intake, weekly weight and hip height and the incidence of pneumonia and scours were recorded. Data were analyzed using mixed models with repeated measures over time. Total Ig in colostrum was significantly increased by CEL treatment (P<0.05; 90.06±23.74 vs. 105.94±17.59 mg/mL for 0 and 40 g/d, respectively) but there was no effect on colostrum yield or IgG content (P>0.05). There was no effect of treatment on birth weight, serum protein or serum IgG (P>0.05). Average daily gain (382.86±61.20 vs. 410.94±51.22 g/day for 0 and 40 g/day, respectively), hip height increase (1.45±0.33 vs. 1.70±0.31 cm/week for 0 and 40 g/d, respectively) and feed consumption (446.67±9.92 vs. 439.01±6.12 g/day for 0 and 40 g/d, respectively) were not affected by treatment (P>0.05). Odds ratios were calculated and the odds of a calf presenting with scours or pneumonia were 3.5 and 5.0, respectively, times more likely in the calves whose dams did not consume CEL prepartum. CEL supplementation prepartum improved colostrum quality and calf health.Ítem Frecuencia de contaminación y resistencia a antibióticos en Salmonella aislada de carne de res en la región central de México(2022-11) Campos Granados, Carlos Mario; Rubio Lozano, María Salud; Delgado Suárez, Enrique Jesús; Sánchez Zamorano, Luisa MaríaLa salmonelosis transmitida por alimentos es un problema de salud pública a nivel global; con cerca de 80.3 millones de casos anuales. Se ha establecido que la carne de diferentes especies, entre ellas la de bovino, funciona como reservorio de su principal agente causal: Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica (SE). En México, la incidencia de salmonelosis en la última década (> 60 casos / 100 mil habitantes) es al menos tres veces superior a la de países desarrollados, lo que resalta la importancia epidemiológica de este patógeno en el país. Lo anterior cobra mayor relevancia ante el incremento de la resistencia a antimicrobianos (RAM) que se observa en varios agentes infecciosos, incluso en SE (Delgado-Suárez et al., 2021). Las cepas multirresistentes (MDR, por sus siglas en inglés) causan infecciones que son difíciles de tratar, por lo que pueden aumentar la carga de morbilidad, la cual es bastante alta en humanos. Debido al riesgo que representa el consumo de alimentos de origen animal, específicamente de carne de res, contaminados con SE resistente a antibióticos en México, en el presente trabajo se presentan datos sobre el perfil de resistencia fenotípica en cepas de SE aislada de carne de res en las capitales estatales de la zona centro de México. Esta información es de utilidad para identificar las clases de antibióticos que están perdiendo su efectividad contra SE, así como para el planteamiento de nuevas hipótesis de investigación encaminadas a identificar los factores genéticos involucrados en la RAM, su potencial de diseminación y las alternativas de control a tomar para contener el fenómeno de la RAM en patógenos transmitidos por alimentos.Ítem Looking for the Best Fit of a Function over Circadian Rhythm Data(2019) Fallas Moya, Fabián; González Hernández, Manfred; Barboza Barquero, Luis Orlando; Obando Rodriguez, Kenneth; Valerio Cubillo, Ovidio; Holst Sanjuán, Andrea; Arias Madriz, Ronald AndrésCircadian rhythm regulates many biological processes. In plants, it controls the expression of genes related to growth and development. Recently, the usage of digital image analysis allows monitoring the circadian rhythm in plants, since the circadian rhythm can be observed by the movement of the leaves of a plant during the day. This is important because it can be used as a growth marker to select plants in plant breeding processes and to conduct fundamental science on this topic. In this work, a new algorithm is proposed to classify sets of coordinates to indicate if they show a circadian rhythm movement. Most algorithms take a set of coordinates and produce plots of the circadian movement, however, some databases have sets of coordinates that must be classified before the movement plots. This research presents an algorithm that determines if a set corresponds to a circadian rhythm movement using statistical analysis of polynomial regressions. Results showed that the proposed algorithm is significantly better compared with a Lagrange interpolation and with a fixed degree approaches. The obtained results suggest that using statistical information from the polynomial regressions can improve results in a classification task of circadian rhythm data.Ítem Mejoramiento y manejo agronómico del frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) para adaptación en suelos de bajo fósforo(1996) Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit Moreno (EEAFBM); Araya Villalobos, Rodolfo; Beck, DouglasEn noviembre de 1995, se realizó un taller internacional sobre bajo fósforo para brindar, la información disponible sobre evaluaciones a nivel de campo, de la tolerancia del frijol al bajo fósforo. Aunque se dió mucho énfasis en selección y mejoramiento, una perspectiva del manejo de P en sistemas y consideración de variabilidad espacial de suelos, fue integrado en los discusiones. Esta publicación presenta los artículos de este taller internacional, con la esperanza de que sea proyectado a otros cultivos básicos, donde metodologías de mejoramiento y aplicación de fertilizantes estratégicos, pueden ser de provecho para mejorar la productividad y sostenibilidad en suelos pobres.Ítem Memoria XXVII reunión anual del PCCMCA-Mesa maíz y sorgo. Memoria Vol. II. Trabajos presentados(1981-03-28) Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA)XXVII Reunión Anual del PCCMCA efectuada en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, en 1981. Trabajos completos de investigación en Maíz y SorgoÍtem Passive transfer of immunity in dairy heifer calves on Costa Rican dairy farms(2015-07) Elizondo Salazar, Jorge Alberto; Benavides Varela, Daniel; Vargas Ramírez, Alexandra; Campos Granados, Carlos MarioThe objective of this study was to determine the transfer of passive immunity of dairy heifer calves in 4 provinces of Costa Rica. The data presented correspond to total serum protein (TSP) measurements obtained in 50 dairy farms. A total of 2500 heifer calves were sampled. Dam breeds were collected between d 1 and 7 of age into serum Vacutainer tubes, refrigerated overnight, centrifugued, and the serum sepaated from clot within 24 h of collection. A hand-held refractometer was used to measure TSP. For the purpose of this study, failure of passive immunity was considered when TSP concentrarion was less than 5.5 g/dL. GLM procedure was used to establish differences between parity and breed of the dams. Descriptive statistics were generated to define percentage of failure of passive by breed and parity of the dam. TSP concentration ranged from 2.0 ti 10.0, with an overall mean of 5.9 g/dL. Of all the calves evaluated, 38.8% presented failure of passive transfer of immunity. Calves born to Jersey and Holstein x Jersey crosses had significantly (P < 0.05) higher TSP concentrations than calves born to Holstein and other breeds. When considering party of the dam, there were no significant differences (P > 0.05) on TSP concentration; however, offspring born to first lactation heifers showed the lowest percentage of animals with inadequate transfer of immunity. Calves that were allowed to suckle their dams showed a 44% failure of passive immunity against 33% of calves that were given colostrum by bottle. The findings of this study suggest that minimizing the risk of calves with failure of passive transfer of immunity is an important task to perform in dairy herds of Costa Rica.Ítem Relevancia del consumo de las grasas de la carne en una dieta saludable(2022-09) Rubio Lozano, María de la Salud; Campos Granados, Carlos MarioLos productos de origen animal, como la carne, tienen altos porcentajes de grasa saturada. Dicha grasa ha sido relacionada desde hace décadas con enfermedades cardiovasculares en las personas, lo que llevó a disminuir o eliminar por completo su consumo. Esto provocó que la industria adaptara su forma de producir para obtener animales sin grasa. Sin embargo, la evidencia más reciente, generada a partir de meta-análisis, reporta que no hay evidencia científica de la relación entre el consumo de grasa saturada y la aparición de enfermedades cardiovasculares, por lo que el presente escrito pretende hacer aportes a este debate sobre el consumo de grasa saturada de las carnes rojas.Ítem XIV Reunion anual PCCMCA asistentes semillas de maiz y sorgo(1968-03-01) Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA)Memorias de la XIV Reunión Anual del PCCMCA DE 1968, con informe sobre asistentes, programa, semilla maíz y sorgo, recomendaciones y conclusiones de la reunión, recomendaciones mesa frijol, recomendaciones mesa arroz, recomendaciones de la secretaria PCCMCA, informe de actividades regionales de integración de la investigación agropecuariaÍtem XV REUNION ANUAL DEL Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos (PCCMCA) TOMO I(1970-03-15) Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA)Ponencias de investigación sobre arroz, sorgo, maíz y frijol expuestas en la XV Reunión Anual del PCCMCAÍtem XV REUNION ANUAL Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios TOMO II(1970-03-08) Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA)XV Reunión Anual del PCCMCA, Tomo II, con investigaciones agronómicas en Arroz, Sorgo y Maíz