Análisis de la Calidad Técnica: Pruebas de noveno Año Fórmula 11 Matemáticas.
Montero Rojas, Eiliana
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El propósito principal del estudio, fue realizar un análisis de factores para encontrar evidencias de validez de constructo en la prueba de Matemática de noveno año, formula 11, aplicación 1997. Se trabajó con una muestra aleatoria de 3000 estudiantes escogidos de la base de datos de la prueba de matemáticas aplicada a estudiantes de noveno año en 1997. Se escogió el formulario 11 por ser el que fue administrado a un mayor número de estudiantes.
El análisis consistió inicialmente en la aplicación de un análisis de factores, técnica estadística que permite identificar las dimensiones subyacentes en un conjunto de datos. En este caso en particular la técnica se utilizó para establecer si la prueba es de naturaleza unidimensional, es decir, si mide fundamentalmente un solo factor, o si por el contrario se presentan subcomponentes dentro del constructo general que se desea medir. En este último caso interesaba establecer la relación entre estos subcomponentes y los objetivos de aprendizaje que representan los itemes. Este análisis da evidencia acerca de la validez de constructo asociada a la prueba. Por otra parte, se aplicó un modelo de Teoría de Respuesta a los itemes para concluir sobre las propiedades psicométricas de la prueba en general y de los itemes individuales que la componen. Este enfoque permite analizar los itemes en términos de su precisión y su poder discriminatorio, es decir, su capacidad para poder diferenciar correctamente entre estudiantes con con puntajes altos y bajos. Además, establece los niveles de habilidad de los examinados para los cuales el item provee mayor información.
Este estudio es de naturaleza preliminar y exploratoria. Por tanto, se considera necesario continuar los análisis a mayor profundidad y se recomienda establecer mecanismos formales entre el IIMEC y el Ministerio de Educación para continuar investigando en estas y otras temáticas asociadas con la medición educativa en torno a la construcción, aplicación, calificación y análisis de las pruebas nacionales.
ABSTRACT: The main purpose of the study was an analysis of factors to find evidence of construct validity in the ninth-year Mathematics test, formula 11, application 1997. We worked with a random sample of 3000 students chosen from the database of the mathematics test administered to ninth-year students in 1997. Form 11 was chosen because it was the one administered to the largest number of students. The analysis consists of the application of factor analysis, a statistical technique that allows identifying the underlying dimensions in a set of data. In this particular, the technique was used to establish whether the test is one-dimensional in nature, that is, if it fundamentally measures a single factor, or on the contrary there are subcomponents within the general construct to be measured. In the latter case, it was interesting to establish the relationship between these subcomponents and the learning objectives that the items represent. This analysis provides evidence about the validity of the construct associated with the test. On the other hand, a Response Theory model was applied to the items to conclude on the psychometric properties of the test in general and of the individual items that compose it. This approach makes it possible to analyze the items in terms of their precision and their discriminatory power, that is, their ability to correctly differentiate between students with high and low scores. In addition, it establishes the skill levels of the examinees for whom the item provides more information. This study is preliminary and exploratory in nature. Therefore, it is considered necessary to continue the analyzes in greater depth and it is recommended to establish formal mechanisms between the IIMEC and the Ministry of Education to continue researching on these and other topics associated with educational measurement around the construction, application, qualification and analysis of national tests.
ABSTRACT: The main purpose of the study was an analysis of factors to find evidence of construct validity in the ninth-year Mathematics test, formula 11, application 1997. We worked with a random sample of 3000 students chosen from the database of the mathematics test administered to ninth-year students in 1997. Form 11 was chosen because it was the one administered to the largest number of students. The analysis consists of the application of factor analysis, a statistical technique that allows identifying the underlying dimensions in a set of data. In this particular, the technique was used to establish whether the test is one-dimensional in nature, that is, if it fundamentally measures a single factor, or on the contrary there are subcomponents within the general construct to be measured. In the latter case, it was interesting to establish the relationship between these subcomponents and the learning objectives that the items represent. This analysis provides evidence about the validity of the construct associated with the test. On the other hand, a Response Theory model was applied to the items to conclude on the psychometric properties of the test in general and of the individual items that compose it. This approach makes it possible to analyze the items in terms of their precision and their discriminatory power, that is, their ability to correctly differentiate between students with high and low scores. In addition, it establishes the skill levels of the examinees for whom the item provides more information. This study is preliminary and exploratory in nature. Therefore, it is considered necessary to continue the analyzes in greater depth and it is recommended to establish formal mechanisms between the IIMEC and the Ministry of Education to continue researching on these and other topics associated with educational measurement around the construction, application, qualification and analysis of national tests.
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