2017-04-272017-04-2719850034-77442215-2075https://hdl.handle.net/10669/29634Liquid and lyophilized samples of Lachesis muta venom were stored at different temperatures and for different periods of time, and analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and immunoelectrophoresis. Only slight variations were evident when three pools of freeze-dried venom, that had been kept at -30 degrees C for several months were compared with fresh venom. These results suggest that L. muta venom is not altered drastically when stored under these conditions.esCC0 1.0 Universalacceso abiertoVeneno de serpienteCambios en el patrón electroforético del veneno de cascabela muda (Lachesis muta stenophrys) durante el almacenamiento bajo diferentes condicionesartículo original3880381