2022-08-242022-08-242022-08-130006-51962212-1676https://hdl.handle.net/10669/87229Echinosepala truncata is described as new to science and illustrated from the holotype. It is compared with E. tomentosa, from which it differs by the sparsely lanate ovary, the narrowly obovate, apically rounded synsepal, the spathulate, apically and basally rounded petals, and the rectangular, apically truncate lip. The phylogenetic relationships of the new species could be hypothesized based on a shared set of morphological characters and geographic distribution.engacceso embargadoFlora of Costa Ricanew speciesPenínsula de OsaphylogenyPleurothallidinaeA just overtime discovery: another new species of Echinosepala (Orchidaceae) from Costa Ricaartículo original10.3767/blumea.2022.67.02.03814-C1-058