2023-05-102023-05-102023-05https://hdl.handle.net/10669/89222Background: Acute and chronic resistance training increases sprint performance. The long-term positive effect of resistance training on sprint performance is well known; however, there is no consensus regarding the acute effect. Therefore, this meta-analysis aimed to determine the acute effect of resistance training on running sprint performance and to identify potential moderator variables. Methods: This meta-analysis followed the PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analysis. The literature search was performed on the electronic databases: PubMed, Web of Science, and EBSCOHost (including Sport Discus with Full Text, Academic Search Ultimate, and MEDLINE with Full Text). Fifteen studies met the eligibility criteria. Meta-regression analysis was computed on selected moderator variables. Results: The pooled effect size for resistance training was statistically significant, small, and positive on enhancing speed performance (ES= 0.124; CI95%= 0.02 to 0.227; n= 117; I2= 56.5; Q= 266.64; p< 0.01), while in the control condition, non-significant, and trivial effect size were observed (ES= -0.053; CI95%= -0.180 to 0.074; n= 40; I2= 0; Q= 33.49; p= 0.72). Sprint performance was influenced by the moderator variables of intensity (p= 0.028; R2= 6.41%), volume (p< 0.001; R2= 21.17%), training load (p= 0.002; R2= 14.35%), repetitions per set (p= 0.008; R2= 6.28%), and time from warm-up to pre-test (p≤ 0.001; R2= 34.93%). Conclusions: Acute resistance training increases sprint performance. The effect is augmented when the resistance training includes a moderate intensity, high training volume, high repetitions per set, and shorter times from the warm-up to the pre-test.engAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacionalacceso abiertoacceso abiertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternacionalResistance trainingSprint performanceAccelerationPAPEPotentiationAcute effectData base: the acute effect of strength training on running speed performance: a meta-analysisconjunto de datos