2024-08-282024-08-282023https://www.atenaeditora.com.br/catalogo/artigo-revista/el-trol-la-prensa-y-el-discurso-publico2764-2216https://hdl.handle.net/10669/99807This paper explores the transformation in online troll behavior, its relationship with the press, and its impact on the configuration of public discourse in Costa Rica. It proposes to explore the figure of the troll in relation to the journalistic practice of the six most popular media (television, radio and written) in Costa Rica. It concludes with a reflection on the normative role of the troll, its relationship with disinformation and social media platforms, as well as its relationship with democratic life.engacceso abiertoPUBLIC DISCOURSEPRESSTROLLThe troll, the press and public discourseartÃculo original10.22533/at.ed.2163172327076