2015-06-162015-06-162000-07-30http://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/filyling/article/view/4530https://hdl.handle.net/10669/14201This article pretends to demonstrate that the natural order of acquisition of grammatical morphemes is not taken into account in the sequence of units in the textbooks Interchange I and Grammar Dimensions I. Thus, it provides recommendations for English instructors who might use these books. Teaching implications are also provided..-Morfemas gramaticalesInterchange IGrammar Dimensions IGrammar MorphemesInterchange IGrammar Dimensions IInterchange I and Grammar Dimensions I: Is the natural order of Morpheme Acquisition taken into account in the sequence of their units?Interchange I and Grammar Dimensions I: Is the natural order of Morpheme Acquisition taken into account in the sequence of their units?artÃculo original2015-06-16en