2015-06-162015-06-162007-04-20http://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/filyling/article/view/4332https://hdl.handle.net/10669/14332This article presents the results of a study done with a group of graduate students randomly selected and a small group of experienced English teachers at the School of Modern Languages at the University of Costa Rica. The main purpose of this study was to find out if they could identify errors in adverb placement in faulty sentences, and if they could correct them satisfactorily. This article also provides useful rules to keep in mind when teaching adverbs to help teachers and students have a more effective teaching-learning process in their English classes..-Posición incorrecta de adverbiosreglas de colocación de adverbioscorrección de erroresgramática inglesajuicios gramaticalesAdverb misplacementadverb position ruleserror correctionEnglish grammargrammaticality judgementThe position of adverbs in english: trying to solve a major problem most language learners usually faceThe position of adverbs in english: trying to solve a major problem most language learners usually faceartículo original2015-06-16en