2023-07-102023-07-102018https://ibimapublishing.com/articles/IJREB/2018/901967/2333-0589https://hdl.handle.net/10669/89583Critical drying fraction data (xc) were obtained for a series of porous materials, frequently used as supports for heterogeneous catalysts. This kinetic parameter correlates well with the secondorder rate constants for water diffusion in the pores (p < 0,01). It is concluded that xc is by itself a sufficient parameter for comparison of mass-transfer resistance between different candidate supports.engacceso abiertoSCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENTDRYINGEVALUATIONMATERIALSDrying kinetics as Tool for the Assessment of Dynamic Porosity of Catalyst-Support Materialsartículo original10.5171/2018.901967