2021-10-312021-10-312021-01http://www.logique.jussieu.fr/semsao/index.htmlhttps://hdl.handle.net/10669/84950Let T∗ be the theory of lattice-ordered rings convex in von Neumann regular real closed f-rings, without minimal idempotents (non zero) that are divisible-projectable and sc-regular. I introduce a binary relation describing local divisibility. If this relation is added to the language of lattice ordered rings with the radical relation associated to the minimal prime spectrum (cf. [12]), it can be shown the model completeness of T∗.engacceso abiertoModel completenessReal closed ringLocal divisibilityLocal divisibility and model completeness of a theory of real closed ringsDivisibilité locale et modèle complétude en théorie des anneaux réels-closcomunicación de congreso821-B9-128