Psicoanálisis y política: la teoría de la ideología de Slavoj Zizek
García, George I.
Aguilar Sánchez, Carlos Guillermo
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International Journal of Zizek Studies, v. 3, n. 2, 2008
El filósofo esloveno Slavoj Žižek ha sido una figura central en las discusiones contemporáneas en torno a la teoría de la ideología. Sus posiciones al respecto se han basado en tres pilares teóricos básicos: la teoría psicoanalítica lacaniana, la crítica contemporánea de la ideología y la dialéctica hegeliana. A partir de ellos ha abordado la discusión respecto a las relaciones entre sociedad, prácticas y discursos, polemizando no sólo contra las ideologías que pregonan que vivimos en una época ‘pos-política’, sino contra los abordajes posestructuralistas que pierden de vista los aspectos extra-textuales del discurso. Este artículo intenta sistematizar la teoría de la ideología de Žižek, planteando algunos elementos para la comprensión de las relaciones básicas entre teoría política y psicoanálisis.
Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek is a central figure in contemporary discussions on the theory of ideology. His positions are grounded on three fundamental theoretical basis: Lacanian psychoanalytic theory, the contemporary critique of ideology and Hegelian dialectics. Taking this as a point of departure, Žižek has engaged into the discussion on the relations between society, practice and discourse as well as entering into polemics not only against those who propose we live in a ‘post-political’ moment, but also against the poststructuralist onslaughts loosing sight of the extra-textual aspects of discourse. This paper attempts to systematise Žižek’s theory of ideology raising certain elements for the understanding of the basic relations between political theory and psychoanalysis.
Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek is a central figure in contemporary discussions on the theory of ideology. His positions are grounded on three fundamental theoretical basis: Lacanian psychoanalytic theory, the contemporary critique of ideology and Hegelian dialectics. Taking this as a point of departure, Žižek has engaged into the discussion on the relations between society, practice and discourse as well as entering into polemics not only against those who propose we live in a ‘post-political’ moment, but also against the poststructuralist onslaughts loosing sight of the extra-textual aspects of discourse. This paper attempts to systematise Žižek’s theory of ideology raising certain elements for the understanding of the basic relations between political theory and psychoanalysis.
Palabras clave
Zizek, Slavoj, 1949-, Psicoanálisis, Teoría de la ideología, Marxismo, Dialéctica