Proyección de cambios en la disponibilidad de agua para usos productivos, causados por el Cambio Climático y los usos futuros, en la cuenca del río Lempa
Cornejo Hernández, Guillermo Arturo
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El Corredor Seco Centroamericano es una eco-región que se caracteriza por contar con un período seco de tres a seis meses de duración, lo que produce importantes cambios de disponibilidad del recurso hídrico en los cuerpos de agua que se ubican dentro de él, entre ellos está la cuenca trinacional del río Lempa, compartida entre Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras, para la cual en esta investigación, se evalúan los cambios en la disponibilidad de agua para usos productivos, causados por el Cambio Climático y los usos futuros, comparando dos períodos: histórico (May/1970–Abr/2000) y futuro (May/2020–Abr/2050). Para el período 1950-2050 se calcularon las principales demandas de agua: poblacionales, agrícolas y energéticas; con dichas demandas se naturalizaron los registros históricos diarios de 9 estaciones hidrométricas y 4 centrales hidroeléctricas, para las que se realizó un balance de agua en cada embalse, a partir de registros de nivel y curvas de almacenamiento.
La cuenca del Lempa fue subdividida en 23 áreas de escurrimiento, entre cuencas principales e intercuencas, considerando para dicha subdivisión: el tamaño de las áreas, patrones de lluvia y temperatura, principales demandas de agua y cuencas en estado natural; con dicha subdivisión se armó un modelo hidrológico en el software HBV Light, calibrado con los caudales naturalizados, a través de dos procesos: Monte Carlo “MC” y el Algoritmo Genético para Optimización de Parámetros “GAP”, utilizando siete coeficientes de habilidad: Reff, R2, LogReff, y cuatro combinaciones entre ellos; resultando más eficientes el proceso GAP con la combinación 1: 0.3Reff + 0.3R2 + 0.4LogReff.
Una vez el modelo hidrológico estuvo calibrado, se determinaron las aportaciones naturales en período histórico; se propusieron caudales ecológicos, modificando la metodología de Tennant hacia una propuesta mensual que se ajustó mejor al río Lempa y sus afluentes; y se extendieron las simulaciones hacia el período futuro, a través del Modelo de Circulación General “GCM” cesm1_cam5_r1i1p1, con lo que se determinaron las aportaciones naturales en el período futuro. Los caudales naturales fueron modificados con las demandas de agua, y se evaluaron las alteraciones históricas y futuras de los regímenes fluviales del río Lempa y sus afluentes; resultando que, los principales forzantes de alteración de cara al futuro serán, de mayor a menor significancia: el Cambio Climático, las demandas energéticas y las demandas consuntivas poblacionales y agrícolas.
The Central American Dry Corridor is an eco-region characterized by a three to six months long dry period, which produces important changes in the availability of hydrological resources in the water bodies inside it. One of them is the trinational basin of the Lempa river, shared between Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, basin for which in this investigation, changes in water availability for productive purposes are evaluated, caused by Climate Change and future uses of water. This was made by comparing two periods: historic (May/1970–Apr/2000) and future (May/2020–Apr/2050). For the 1950-2050 period, the main uses of water were calculated: human consumption, agriculture and power generation, with those uses historical records were naturalized for 9 gauge stations and 4 power plants, for which a water balance was made for each reservoir, using level records and storage curves. The Lempa basin was divided in 23 runoff areas, composed by main subbasins and remaining areas, considering for this division: the size of the runoff areas, rain and temperature patterns, the main uses of water and basins in natural conditions. With this division a hydrological model in HBV Light software was made, and calibrated with naturalized water fluxes, using two process: Monte Carlo “MC” and the Genetic Algorithm for Parameters Optimization “GAP”, using seven ability coefficients: Reff, R2, LogReff and four combinations between them, resulting more efficient the GAP process with combination number 1: 0.3Reff + 0.3R2 + 0.4LogReff. Once the hydrological model was calibrated, natural fluxes were determined for the historic period, ecological flows were proposed, modifying the Tennant methodology to a monthly proposal, which was a better fit for the Lempa river and its contributors. Afterwards, the simulations were extended to the future period, using the General Circulation Model “GCM” cesm1_cam5_r1i1p1, and the natural fluxes for the future period were determined. Then, the natural fluxes were modified with the uses of water and the historical and future alterations in the water fluxes were evaluated for the Lempa river and its contributors, resulting that, the main forces that produces these alterations towards the future will be, from major to minor significance: Climate Change, use of water for power generation and consumptive uses for population and agriculture.
The Central American Dry Corridor is an eco-region characterized by a three to six months long dry period, which produces important changes in the availability of hydrological resources in the water bodies inside it. One of them is the trinational basin of the Lempa river, shared between Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, basin for which in this investigation, changes in water availability for productive purposes are evaluated, caused by Climate Change and future uses of water. This was made by comparing two periods: historic (May/1970–Apr/2000) and future (May/2020–Apr/2050). For the 1950-2050 period, the main uses of water were calculated: human consumption, agriculture and power generation, with those uses historical records were naturalized for 9 gauge stations and 4 power plants, for which a water balance was made for each reservoir, using level records and storage curves. The Lempa basin was divided in 23 runoff areas, composed by main subbasins and remaining areas, considering for this division: the size of the runoff areas, rain and temperature patterns, the main uses of water and basins in natural conditions. With this division a hydrological model in HBV Light software was made, and calibrated with naturalized water fluxes, using two process: Monte Carlo “MC” and the Genetic Algorithm for Parameters Optimization “GAP”, using seven ability coefficients: Reff, R2, LogReff and four combinations between them, resulting more efficient the GAP process with combination number 1: 0.3Reff + 0.3R2 + 0.4LogReff. Once the hydrological model was calibrated, natural fluxes were determined for the historic period, ecological flows were proposed, modifying the Tennant methodology to a monthly proposal, which was a better fit for the Lempa river and its contributors. Afterwards, the simulations were extended to the future period, using the General Circulation Model “GCM” cesm1_cam5_r1i1p1, and the natural fluxes for the future period were determined. Then, the natural fluxes were modified with the uses of water and the historical and future alterations in the water fluxes were evaluated for the Lempa river and its contributors, resulting that, the main forces that produces these alterations towards the future will be, from major to minor significance: Climate Change, use of water for power generation and consumptive uses for population and agriculture.