Análisis del impacto de fenómenos meteorológicos en Costa Rica, América Central, originados en los mares circundantes
Alfaro Martínez, Eric J.
Pérez Briceño, Paula Marcela
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Centro de Investigaciones Geofísicas 14 (2014): 1-11
Se revisaron en este estudio fuentes de información histórica locales, como los boletines producidos por el Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, para cuantificar los eventos climáticos relevantes y los impactos asociados a ellos en Costa Rica. Dentro de los fenómenos meteorológicos que fueron consideradas como objeto de estudio están los frentes fríos o empujes polares, las ondas tropicales o del este y los ciclones tropicales, de 1977 al 2012, originados en los mares circundantes de América Central. Los impactos climáticos asociados con los frentes fríos (ciclones tropicales) se localizaron principalmente sobre la vertiente Caribe (Pacífica) de Costa Rica, mientras que aquellos asociados con las ondas del este tuvieron una distribución espacial más homogénea a lo largo del país.
This study review historical local information sources like bulletins produced by the National Weather Service, to account for relevant climate events and their associated impacts in Costa Rica. Cold fronts or outbreaks, easterly waves and tropical cyclones are the weather phenomenona that were considered as study objects from 1977 to 2012, originated in the surrounded seas of Central America. Impacts associated with cold fronts (tropical cyclones) were located mainly in the Costa Rican Caribbean (Pacific) slope while those associated with easterly waves have a more even spatial distribution trough the country.
This study review historical local information sources like bulletins produced by the National Weather Service, to account for relevant climate events and their associated impacts in Costa Rica. Cold fronts or outbreaks, easterly waves and tropical cyclones are the weather phenomenona that were considered as study objects from 1977 to 2012, originated in the surrounded seas of Central America. Impacts associated with cold fronts (tropical cyclones) were located mainly in the Costa Rican Caribbean (Pacific) slope while those associated with easterly waves have a more even spatial distribution trough the country.
Artículo científico -- Universidad de Costa Rica, Centro de Investigaciones Geofísicas. 2014
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