Sistematización de prácticas educativas del proyecto TC8 Promoción de la enseñanza de la ciencia y tecnología de alimentos.
Araya Quesada, Yorleny
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El objetivo del estudio fue analizar las experiencias de las personas que han participado en el proyecto “TC8 Promoción de la enseñanza de la ciencia y tecnología de alimentos” para la identificación de prácticas educativas.
La investigación se llegó a cabo en dos fases, ambas con metodología diferente, la primera fase (Fase A) estuvo relacionada con el objetivo específico 1 y en la Fase B se abordaron los objetivos específicos 2 y 3. Todos los participantes son personas estudiantes de la Universidad de Costa Rica de la Sede Rodrigo Facio.
En el proyecto de trabajo comunal universitario, se impartió un club de ciencias, que constó de 10 sesiones en las que se abordaron temas de ciencias haciendo experimentos con elementos de la vida cotidiana. El club de ciencias se ha impartido desde el año 2017 por estudiantes de diferentes carreras de la Universidad de Costa Rica. En el año 2021, en el contexto de pandemia por Sars Cov2, se hizo una adaptación para ofrecerlo por medio de una plataforma de reuniones virtuales. En el primer año del proyecto se hizo una investigación documental a partir de los informes de los estudiantes que culminaron el TCU en los años 2018 y 2019. De la investigación documental se extrajo las vivencias del estudiantado, prevaleció que los estudiantes consideran que el club es una experiencia de aprendizaje, que les fortalece en la habilidad del trabajo en equipo y que el proyecto es fuente de motivación. En tres momentos a lo largo del desarrollo del club en modalidad virtual el estudiantado que lo impartió fue entrevistado. Del análisis de los aspectos pedagógicos y didácticos se identificaron motivaciones, cuestionamientos y dudas, justificaciones y expectativas vinculadas con la enseñanza. La comunicación, organización, los elementos de la didáctica y los recursos didácticos que se ponen de manifiesto, permiten concluir que en el desarrollo del club los estudiantes universitarios tienen experiencias que contribuyen al proceso de formación y transformación personal y colectivo. Se exploran y desarrollan competencias fundamentalmente socioculturales y personales que concretan aspectos fundamentales de la formación humanística.
ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to analyze the experiences of the people who have adopted the project "TC8 Promotion of the teaching of food science and technology" for the identification of educational practices. The research was carried out in two phases, both with different methodology, the first phase (Phase A) was related to specific objective 1 and in Phase B specific objectives 2 and 3 were addressed. All the participants are students of the University of Costa Rica at the Rodrigo Facio Headquarters. In the university community work project, a science club was taught, which consisted of 10 sessions in which science topics were addressed by doing experiments with elements of daily life. The science club has been taught since 2017 by students of different careers from the University of Costa Rica. In 2021, in the context of the Sars Cov2 pandemic, an adaptation was made to offer it through a virtual meeting platform. In the first year of the project, a documentary investigation was carried out based on the reports of the students who completed the TCU in the years 2018 and 2019. From the documentary investigation, the experiences of the student body were extracted, it prevailed that the students consider that the club is a learning experience, which strengthens them in the ability of teamwork and that the project is a source of motivation. In three moments throughout the development of the club in virtual mode, the student body that taught it was interviewed. From the analysis of the pedagogical and didactic aspects, motivations, questions and doubts, justifications and expectations related to teaching were identified. The communication, organization, the elements of didactics and the didactic resources that are revealed, allow us to conclude that in the development of the club, university students have experiences that contribute to the process of formation and personal and collective transformation. Fundamentally sociocultural and personal skills are explored and developed, which specify fundamental aspects of humanistic training.
ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to analyze the experiences of the people who have adopted the project "TC8 Promotion of the teaching of food science and technology" for the identification of educational practices. The research was carried out in two phases, both with different methodology, the first phase (Phase A) was related to specific objective 1 and in Phase B specific objectives 2 and 3 were addressed. All the participants are students of the University of Costa Rica at the Rodrigo Facio Headquarters. In the university community work project, a science club was taught, which consisted of 10 sessions in which science topics were addressed by doing experiments with elements of daily life. The science club has been taught since 2017 by students of different careers from the University of Costa Rica. In 2021, in the context of the Sars Cov2 pandemic, an adaptation was made to offer it through a virtual meeting platform. In the first year of the project, a documentary investigation was carried out based on the reports of the students who completed the TCU in the years 2018 and 2019. From the documentary investigation, the experiences of the student body were extracted, it prevailed that the students consider that the club is a learning experience, which strengthens them in the ability of teamwork and that the project is a source of motivation. In three moments throughout the development of the club in virtual mode, the student body that taught it was interviewed. From the analysis of the pedagogical and didactic aspects, motivations, questions and doubts, justifications and expectations related to teaching were identified. The communication, organization, the elements of didactics and the didactic resources that are revealed, allow us to conclude that in the development of the club, university students have experiences that contribute to the process of formation and personal and collective transformation. Fundamentally sociocultural and personal skills are explored and developed, which specify fundamental aspects of humanistic training.