Actividades de demarcación vial horizontal en la ruta nacional N° 32: sección La república - Río Sucio
informe técnico
Chaverri Jiménez, Jenny
Rodríguez Castro, Ellen
Salas Chaves, Mauricio
Zamora Rojas, Javier
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Laboratorio Nacional de Materiales y Modelos Estructurales (LanammeUCR)
El objetivo de este reporte es documentar aspectos que se presentan en el sitio de las obras de demarcación horizontal, los cuales han sido observados en las visitas realizadas por el equipo auditor del LanammeUCR.
El proyecto vigente corresponde a la Licitación Pública Nº 2007LN-000016-CV, la cual lleva por nombre “Demarcación Horizontal con Pintura y Captaluces de varias Rutas Nacionales”. Esta licitación contempla la demarcación de aproximadamente 947 kilómetros de la red vial pavimentada del país, incluyendo las rutas No.2, No.4, No.6, No.32, No.36, No.140a, No.142, No.151, No.247, No.702 y No.809. Las visitas que se documentan en este reporte se ubican en la ruta No. 32, donde el tramo de demarcación se localiza entre La República y la intersección entre las rutas No. 32 y No. 36, para un total de 156,52 km. Sin embargo, este reporte se limita a las observaciones realizadas en el tramo comprendido entre La República y el Río Sucio.
The objective of this report is to document aspects that are presented on the site of the horizontal demarcation works, which have been observed in the visits made by the LanammeUCR audit team. The current project corresponds to Public Tender No. 2007LN-000016-CV, which is entitled "Horizontal Demarcation with Painting and raised pavement markers of several National Routes". This tender contemplates the demarcation of approximately 947 kilometers of the paved road network of the country, including routes No.2, No.4, No.6, No.32, No.36, No.140a, No.142, No. 151, No.247, No.702 and No.809. The visits documented in this report are located on route No. 32, where the demarcation section is located between La República and the intersection between routes No. 32 and No. 36, for a total of 156.52 km. However, this report is limited to the observations made in the section between La República and Río Sucio.
The objective of this report is to document aspects that are presented on the site of the horizontal demarcation works, which have been observed in the visits made by the LanammeUCR audit team. The current project corresponds to Public Tender No. 2007LN-000016-CV, which is entitled "Horizontal Demarcation with Painting and raised pavement markers of several National Routes". This tender contemplates the demarcation of approximately 947 kilometers of the paved road network of the country, including routes No.2, No.4, No.6, No.32, No.36, No.140a, No.142, No. 151, No.247, No.702 and No.809. The visits documented in this report are located on route No. 32, where the demarcation section is located between La República and the intersection between routes No. 32 and No. 36, for a total of 156.52 km. However, this report is limited to the observations made in the section between La República and Río Sucio.
Palabras clave
demarcación vial, pintura, captaluces, road demarcation, painting, raised pavement markers