Prácticas de apropiación cultural juvenil y su vínculo con la construcción de la identidad en población universitaria de la Universidad de Costa Rica y de la Universidad Simón Bolívar de Barranquilla.
Morales Trejos, Carol Graciela
Aguilar Caro, Aura
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Este proyecto se enmarca en un convenio internacional con la Universidad Simón Bolívar de Barranquilla, cuyo objetivo fue analizar las prácticas de apropiación juvenil asociadas a los consumos culturales y su vínculo con la construcción de la identidad en personas jóvenes universitarias de segundo año de la carrera de Orientación de la Universidad de Costa Rica y de la carrera de Psicología de la Universidad Simón Bolívar de Barranquilla, con el fin de favorecer la construcción de una propuesta educativa crítica en la educación superior.
En este proyecto de investigación se abarcaron 2 grupos de estudiantes universitarios de segundo año tanto de la carrera de Orientación de la Universidad de Costa Rica como de la carrera de psicología de la Universidad Simón Bolívar de Barranquilla. En Costa Rica la población estuvo conformada por un grupo de 24 estudiantes aproximadamente entre los 18 y 22 años procedentes de distintos lugares del país. En Colombia la población la constituyó un grupo de 24 estudiantes entre los 18 -22 años procedentes de distintos lugares del Caribe Colombiano.
La técnica empleada en la recolección de los datos fue la de grupos focales. Se realizaron dos encuentros entre una hora y hora y media para cada uno de los 4 grupos que conformaron el estudio, en cada grupo participaron de 6 a 10 estudiantes, para un total 34 estudiantes participantes entre las dos Universidades. Estos datos se recolectaron entre 2018 y parte de 2019 en su totalidad. Algunas de las conclusiones a las que llegó el estudio son las siguientes:
En esta investigación, se ha identificado como las nuevas tendencias de consumo asociados principalmente a los usos, reconfiguran el ser joven. En tanto, los procesos de significación cultural son constantes en sus cambios, avanzan la regionalización e irrumpen en espacios variando el orden de la movilidad, creando líneas fronterizas más difusas, dotando de nuevos sentidos sus propios mundos y su ser.
En lo que respeta a la construcción de la identidad, las personas jóvenes señalan relaciones con el consumo cultural, dentro del cual la edad juega un rol importante, específicamente en el contexto costarricense se señala que existe una vulnerabilidad en cuanto a la influencia de los otros, en la etapa de la adolescencia en el que se acentúa el proceso de exploración y búsqueda.
La composición multicultural de las personas jóvenes y los colectivos que representan, generan procesos de movilidad que permiten, mediante los intercambios culturales, enriquecer sus visiones de mundo en ambos países.
La adopción de la música asociado a la construcción de identidad según señala Carballo (2009) y el análisis de los datos, nutren a las personas jóvenes de nuevas visiones de mundo y prácticas de consumo, que inciden de forma directa en su comportamiento cotidiano y en la forma en la que se apropian de obras y productos variados de industrias culturales mundializadas en el caso de Costa Rica, y en Colombia estos productos tienden a ser mas locales y asociados a las tradiciones y costumbres.
ABSTRACT: This project is framed in an international agreement with the Universidad Simón Bolívar de Barranquilla, whose objective was to analyze the youth appropriation practices associated with cultural consumption and its link with the construction of identity in young university students in the second year of the Vocational Guidance Career from the University of Costa Rica and from the Psychology career at the Simón Bolívar University of Barranquilla, in order to favor the construction of a critical educational proposal in higher education. This research project covered 2 groups of second-year university students from both the Vocational Guidance career at the University of Costa Rica and the psychology career at the Simón Bolívar University in Barranquilla. In Costa Rica, the population was made up of a group of approximately 24 students between the ages of 18 and 22 from different parts of the country. In Colombia the population training a group of 24 students between 18-22 years old came from different parts of the Colombian Caribbean. The technique used to collect the data was of focus groups. Two meetings were held Between an hour and an hour and a half for each of the 4 groups that made up the study, in each group 6 to 10 students participated, for a total of 34 participating students between the two Universities. This data was collected between 2018 and part of 2019 in its totality. Some of the conclusions reached by the study are the following: In this research, it has been identified how new consumer trends associated mainly with uses, reconfigure being young. Meanwhile, the processes of cultural significance are constant in their changes, they advance regionalization and burst into spaces varying the order of mobility, creating more diffuse border lines, giving their own worlds and their being with new meanings. Regarding the construction of identity, young people indicate relationships with cultural consumption, within which age plays an important role, specifically in the Costa Rican context it is noted that there is a vulnerability in terms of the influence of others , in the stage of adolescence in which the process of exploration and search is accentuated. The multicultural composition of young people and the groups they represent, generate mobility processes that allow, through cultural exchanges, to enrich their worldviews in both countries. The adoption of music associated with the construction of identity, according to Carballo (2009) and the analysis of the data, promote young people with new visions of the world and consumer practices, which directly affect their daily behavior and the way in which works and varied products of globalized cultural industries are appropriated in the case of Costa Rica, and in Colombia these products tend to be more local and associated with traditions and customs.
ABSTRACT: This project is framed in an international agreement with the Universidad Simón Bolívar de Barranquilla, whose objective was to analyze the youth appropriation practices associated with cultural consumption and its link with the construction of identity in young university students in the second year of the Vocational Guidance Career from the University of Costa Rica and from the Psychology career at the Simón Bolívar University of Barranquilla, in order to favor the construction of a critical educational proposal in higher education. This research project covered 2 groups of second-year university students from both the Vocational Guidance career at the University of Costa Rica and the psychology career at the Simón Bolívar University in Barranquilla. In Costa Rica, the population was made up of a group of approximately 24 students between the ages of 18 and 22 from different parts of the country. In Colombia the population training a group of 24 students between 18-22 years old came from different parts of the Colombian Caribbean. The technique used to collect the data was of focus groups. Two meetings were held Between an hour and an hour and a half for each of the 4 groups that made up the study, in each group 6 to 10 students participated, for a total of 34 participating students between the two Universities. This data was collected between 2018 and part of 2019 in its totality. Some of the conclusions reached by the study are the following: In this research, it has been identified how new consumer trends associated mainly with uses, reconfigure being young. Meanwhile, the processes of cultural significance are constant in their changes, they advance regionalization and burst into spaces varying the order of mobility, creating more diffuse border lines, giving their own worlds and their being with new meanings. Regarding the construction of identity, young people indicate relationships with cultural consumption, within which age plays an important role, specifically in the Costa Rican context it is noted that there is a vulnerability in terms of the influence of others , in the stage of adolescence in which the process of exploration and search is accentuated. The multicultural composition of young people and the groups they represent, generate mobility processes that allow, through cultural exchanges, to enrich their worldviews in both countries. The adoption of music associated with the construction of identity, according to Carballo (2009) and the analysis of the data, promote young people with new visions of the world and consumer practices, which directly affect their daily behavior and the way in which works and varied products of globalized cultural industries are appropriated in the case of Costa Rica, and in Colombia these products tend to be more local and associated with traditions and customs.
Palabras clave
Cultura, Diversidad cultural, Identidad cultural, Joven, Participación juvenil, Culture, Cultural diversity, Cultural identity, Youth, Youth participation