Can Latin American Production Regimes complement Universalistic Welfare Regimes? Implications from the Costa Rican Case
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artículo original
Martínez Franzoni, Juliana
Sánchez-Ancochea, Diego
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Latin American Studies Association
Much of the literature on political economy expects complementarities between
(universal) welfare regimes and production regimes. This article draws from Costa
Rica’s showcase of human development and universalistic social policies to address how
the production regime supports and constrains the welfare regime. We show that there
were some positive relations between the two regimes at various points but that they
were neither fully nor mostly complementary. At the heart of our interpretation of Costa
Rica’s performance—and Latin America’s pervasive lack of complementarities—lies
the dominance of structural heterogeneity in the production regime. Our analysis has
signifi cant implications for current theoretical and policy debates in Costa Rica and elsewhere. At the theoretical level, we highlight key features of production in Latin America and the need to consider such material bases as part of robust welfare policies. At the policy level, our argument stresses the importance of promoting both leading and lowproductivity sectors simultaneously and of securing stable funding mechanisms for the welfare regime. Our article thus offers a cautionary note to Latin American countries slowly moving toward the creation or re-creation of universal social programs in the
context of relatively unchanged production regimes. Since tensions between production and welfare regimes may also be appearing in a growing number of postindustrialized developed countries, theoretical and policy implications can easily travel beyond Latin America.
Much of the political economy literature on developed countries assumes that national economic institutions build positive and lasting relations with social arrangements. Complementarities between the production and welfare regimes are
not only expected but also considered a necessary condition for simultaneously achieving economic growth and equitable income distribution. In particular, universal social policies are expected to go hand in hand with production regimes
that can effectively use skilled workers, improve productivity, and secure stable funding
Palabras clave
América Latina, Régimen de Bienestar, Sector Productivo