Arqueología con pertenencia social: la experiencia de la Sección de Arqueología con la comunidad de Golfito
2013-07-05 00:00:00
Arias Quirós, Ana Cecilia
Sánchez P., Maureen
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La Sección de Arqueología de la Universidad de Costa Rica inicipó en 1996 un proyecto de investigación en el Golfo Dulce, al sur del territorio nacional, denominado "Propuesta de investigación para la comprensión del potencial arqueológico de la Península Osa". En un principio, se artículo al Programa que dirige el Centro de Investigaciones en Biología Marina y Limnología, CIMAR, el cual es, "Investigación integrada para el Desarrollo Sustentable y el Manejo Ambiental de los Sistemas Costeros del Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica", por su carácter multidisciplinario, favoreciendo de esta forma, el trabajo con profesionales de disciplinas como, biología, geografía y geología; además de las posibilidades interinstitucionales e internacionales que dicho Programa ofrecería, por ejemplo, el sistema de redes alfa y los convenios bilaterales con la Universidad de Bremen (Alemania), La Universidad de Bergen (Noruega), La Universidad de Rochelle (Francia) y la Universidad de Toledo, Ohio (U.S.A.). Posteriormente por razones de logística y presupuestarias se inició un camino independiente.
The Department of Archaeology at the University of Costa Rica inicipó in 1996 a research project in the Golfo Dulce, south of the country, called "Research proposal for understanding the archaeological potential of the Osa Peninsula." At first, the article the Programme who directs the Center for Research in Marine Biology and Limnology, CIMAR, which is, "Integrated Research for Sustainable Development and Environmental Management of Coastal Systems of the Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica" , by its multidisciplinary nature, thus favoring, work with professionals from disciplines such as biology, geography and geology, as well as interagency and international opportunities that the program would provide, for example, the alpha network system and bilateral agreements with the University of Bremen (Germany), the University of Bergen (Norway), La Rochelle University (France) and the University of Toledo, Ohio (USA). Then for reasons of logistics and budgetary began an independent path.
The Department of Archaeology at the University of Costa Rica inicipó in 1996 a research project in the Golfo Dulce, south of the country, called "Research proposal for understanding the archaeological potential of the Osa Peninsula." At first, the article the Programme who directs the Center for Research in Marine Biology and Limnology, CIMAR, which is, "Integrated Research for Sustainable Development and Environmental Management of Coastal Systems of the Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica" , by its multidisciplinary nature, thus favoring, work with professionals from disciplines such as biology, geography and geology, as well as interagency and international opportunities that the program would provide, for example, the alpha network system and bilateral agreements with the University of Bremen (Germany), the University of Bergen (Norway), La Rochelle University (France) and the University of Toledo, Ohio (USA). Then for reasons of logistics and budgetary began an independent path.
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