Un lanzar de dados: la evaluación de la producción académica del personal académico titular en la Universidad de Costa Rica
Rojas Blanco, Laura Cristina
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Se utiliza un análisis de regresión Tobit en dos etapas y la descomposición Oaxaca-Ransom para examinar la existencia de una brecha de género en el puntaje asignado a las obras académicas y profesionales que se someten a evaluación ante la Comisión de Régimen Académico de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Los resultados muestran que, efectivamente, existe una brecha de género significativa y equivalente a 5,54% en promedio. La mayor parte de este diferencial se asocia al coeficiente de discriminación contra las mujeres. Los resultados también permiten observar la existencia de una fuerte penalización a los trabajos con coautorías y diferencias importantes en las evaluaciones promedio asociadas a las facultades de pertenencia de las personas autoras. Finalmente, cabe preguntar si existe un alto componente de aleatoriedad en la evaluación, por lo que se sugiere una revisión del procedimiento de evaluación de obras académicas y profesionales utilizado actualmente por la institución.
This paper uses a two stage Tobit regression analysis and the Oaxaca-Ransom decomposition to examine the existence of a gender differential in the score assigned to academic publications and professional work submitted for evaluation before the Academic Regime Commission at Universidad de Costa Rica. Results show that a significant gender differential does exists and amounts to 5,54%. Most of this differential is associated with the discrimination coefficient against women. The results also exhibit the existence of a strong penalty to co-authorships and important differences in the score received depending on faculty affiliation. Finally, it is worth asking if there is a strong random component in the evaluation. Therefore, a revision of the current evaluation process to assess academic and professional work used by the institution is suggested.
This paper uses a two stage Tobit regression analysis and the Oaxaca-Ransom decomposition to examine the existence of a gender differential in the score assigned to academic publications and professional work submitted for evaluation before the Academic Regime Commission at Universidad de Costa Rica. Results show that a significant gender differential does exists and amounts to 5,54%. Most of this differential is associated with the discrimination coefficient against women. The results also exhibit the existence of a strong penalty to co-authorships and important differences in the score received depending on faculty affiliation. Finally, it is worth asking if there is a strong random component in the evaluation. Therefore, a revision of the current evaluation process to assess academic and professional work used by the institution is suggested.