Experiencias de docentes de la Universidad de Costa Rica en tiempos de pandemia.
Cordero Cordero, Teresita
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El proyecto indagó experiencias docentes, durante la Pandemia, a partir de relatos de un grupo de profesoras y profesores de cinco unidades académicas de las Facultades de Ciencias Sociales y Educación, las cuales son parte del área de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Se hizo un registro sobre los procesos educativos realizados en la docencia universitaria, vividos en los años 2020-2021. La metodología parte de una perspectiva cualitativa con un enfoque fenomenológico, donde se utilizó como técnica la entrevista enfocada a profundidad. Se sistematizan las entrevistas de once personas docentes, así como se incorporan entrevistas a personas expertas y documentos del Consejo Universitario de la UCR.
Entre las conclusiones están las siguientes: El paso a la virtualidad de emergencia, tal como lo relatan algunas personas docentes fue ejercer el ensayo y el error, cuyo aprendizaje se realizó en proceso secuencial semestre a semestre. Lo vivido generó preocupaciones en las personas entrevistadas, relacionadas en primera instancia sobre sus propios ajustes para cumplir con el ejercicio de la docencia, sobre todo para enfrentar las nuevas tareas y la vinculación con el estudiantado. Ello generó sobre la incertidumbre sobre la persona que aprende y la empatía hacia quienes estaban en condiciones de vulnerabilidad. La estrategia para afrontar las demandas requirió procesos de aprendizaje por parte de la persona docente para apropiarse de manera autodidacta o en compañía de colegas las herramientas virtuales. Fue así como algunas Unidades Académicas se abocaron a responder a las necesidades, desarrollando cursos o por medio de los recursos que la METICS subió a la plataforma.
En cuanto a la vinculación con el estudiantado, la Universidad también apoyo las necesidades para la conectividad y equipos que se les enviaron a quiénes lo solicitaron, las personas docentes también en sus clases establecieron la rutina de preguntar sobre cómo la estaban pasando, realizar ajustes a las tareas o asignaciones y escucharles de diferentes maneras por los medios de comunicación como el WhatsApp.
En el caso de las personas entrevistas, aunque se hayan escogido por haberse adaptado mejor al uso de los medios virtuales como docentes, si se describe cómo cada una tuvo que realizar ajustes y para dos de ellas el saldo es positivo, para una tuvo consecuencias relacionada con pérdidas de familiares, otras dos personas expresaron las dificultades de enfrentar la virtualidad y el grupo restante fue estresantes a raíz de los temores por el Covid 19. Para la mayoría una preocupación que siempre estuvo allí fue el estudiantado y las posibles afectaciones y desigualdades para enfrentar los cursos desde sus hogares. De acuerdo a los relatos y el tiempo que ha durado la emergencia sanitaria, se encuentra cansancio, sobre carga de labores, con un grado de esperanza de vuelta a la presencialidad
ABSTRACT: The project investigated teaching experiences during the Pandemic, based on reports from a group of professors from five academic units of the Faculties of Social Sciences and Education, which are part of the Social Sciences area of the University of Costa Rica. A record was made of the educational processes carried out in university teaching, lived in the years 2020-2021. The methodology is based on a qualitative perspective with a phenomenological approach, where the in-depth interview was obtained as a technique. Establish systematize the interviews of eleven teachers, as well as interviews with experts and documents from the University Council of the UCR are incorporated. Among the conclusions are the following: The transition to emergency virtuality, as reported by some teachers, was to exercise trial and error, whose learning was carried out in a sequential process, semester by semester. The lived evidence in the people interviewed, related in the first instance on their own definitions to comply with the exercise of teaching, especially to face the new tasks and the relationship with the student body. This appeared on the uncertainty about the person who learns and the empathy towards those who were in conditions of vulnerability. The strategy to face the demands required learning processes on the part of the teacher to appropriate the virtual tools in a self-taught way or in the company of colleagues. This is how some Academic Units devoted themselves to responding to the needs, developing courses or through the resources that METICS uploaded to the platform. Regarding the relationship with the student body, the University also supported the needs for connectivity and equipment that was sent to those who requested it, the teachers also in their classes established the routine of asking about how they were having a good time, doing adjustments to tasks or assignments and listen to them in different ways through the media such as WhatsApp. In the case of the people interviewed, although they have been chosen because they have better adapted to the use of virtual media as teachers, it is described how each one had to make adjustments and for two of them the balance is positive, for one it had related consequences. with family losses, two other people expressed the difficulties of facing virtuality and the remaining group was stressful due to fears for Covid 19. For the majority, a concern that was always there was the student body and the possible effects and inequalities for face the courses from their homes. According to the reports and the time that the health emergency has lasted, there is fatigue, an overload of work, with a degree of hope for a return to face-to-face.
ABSTRACT: The project investigated teaching experiences during the Pandemic, based on reports from a group of professors from five academic units of the Faculties of Social Sciences and Education, which are part of the Social Sciences area of the University of Costa Rica. A record was made of the educational processes carried out in university teaching, lived in the years 2020-2021. The methodology is based on a qualitative perspective with a phenomenological approach, where the in-depth interview was obtained as a technique. Establish systematize the interviews of eleven teachers, as well as interviews with experts and documents from the University Council of the UCR are incorporated. Among the conclusions are the following: The transition to emergency virtuality, as reported by some teachers, was to exercise trial and error, whose learning was carried out in a sequential process, semester by semester. The lived evidence in the people interviewed, related in the first instance on their own definitions to comply with the exercise of teaching, especially to face the new tasks and the relationship with the student body. This appeared on the uncertainty about the person who learns and the empathy towards those who were in conditions of vulnerability. The strategy to face the demands required learning processes on the part of the teacher to appropriate the virtual tools in a self-taught way or in the company of colleagues. This is how some Academic Units devoted themselves to responding to the needs, developing courses or through the resources that METICS uploaded to the platform. Regarding the relationship with the student body, the University also supported the needs for connectivity and equipment that was sent to those who requested it, the teachers also in their classes established the routine of asking about how they were having a good time, doing adjustments to tasks or assignments and listen to them in different ways through the media such as WhatsApp. In the case of the people interviewed, although they have been chosen because they have better adapted to the use of virtual media as teachers, it is described how each one had to make adjustments and for two of them the balance is positive, for one it had related consequences. with family losses, two other people expressed the difficulties of facing virtuality and the remaining group was stressful due to fears for Covid 19. For the majority, a concern that was always there was the student body and the possible effects and inequalities for face the courses from their homes. According to the reports and the time that the health emergency has lasted, there is fatigue, an overload of work, with a degree of hope for a return to face-to-face.