Generalidades sobre fluidoterapia y desórdenes electrolíticos, enfoque en la farmacia hospitalaria: Primera Parte
2013-06-11 00:00:00
Chaverri Fernández, José Miguel
Díaz Madriz, José Pablo
Cordero García, Ana Eugenia
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La correcta utilización de fluidos (cristaloides o coloides) y el manejo de los desórdenes electrolíticos relacionados con sodio, potasio, magnesio y calcio son temas de gran importancia a nivel hospitalario. El farmacéutico hospitalario como profesional de la salud debe estar en la capacidad de colaborar en lo que respecta a la optimización de los tratamientos y la prevención de errores por el uso incorrecto de fluidos por vía intravenosa, electrolitos concentrados y otros medicamentos relacionados. La revisión de distintas fuentes bibliográficas evidenció que es posible encontrar gran variedad y cantidad de información, por lo que es importante que en cada centro de salud se establezcan protocolos que permitan realizar la mejor monitorización al respecto, estableciendo controles cruzados y procesos que minimicen los errores al máximo. Es de especial relevancia entonces que el farmacéutico hospitalario tenga conocimientos amplios en los puntos tratados en esta revisión e incluya dentro de sus funciones el velar porque en los centros de salud a nivel nacional se cuente con las herramientas necesarias para tratar satisfactoriamente a los pacientes en este sentido.
The correct use of fluids (crystalloids and colloids) and to know how to manage electrolytes disorders in the hospital setting is a very important issue. The hospital pharmacist should be able to optimize the therapy regarding fluids and electrolytes in order to prevent adverse events or errors related to this kind of therapy. It is possible to find a lot of scientific information related to this topic recommending the availability of protocols that helps all the health system pharmacists in the prevention of errors and manage the way electrolytes and fluids are administered to patients. The pharmacist should have the knowledge regarding these topics to be able to improve the therapy the patient is receiving. The main goal of this article is give the pharmacist useful information regarding fluid therapy emphasizing the importance to control and manage the electrolytes and fluids in the organism in the proper way.
The correct use of fluids (crystalloids and colloids) and to know how to manage electrolytes disorders in the hospital setting is a very important issue. The hospital pharmacist should be able to optimize the therapy regarding fluids and electrolytes in order to prevent adverse events or errors related to this kind of therapy. It is possible to find a lot of scientific information related to this topic recommending the availability of protocols that helps all the health system pharmacists in the prevention of errors and manage the way electrolytes and fluids are administered to patients. The pharmacist should have the knowledge regarding these topics to be able to improve the therapy the patient is receiving. The main goal of this article is give the pharmacist useful information regarding fluid therapy emphasizing the importance to control and manage the electrolytes and fluids in the organism in the proper way.