Evaluación del potencial comercial de líneas S2 de papaya (Carica papaya L.) en la región atlántica de Costa Rica
Mora, Eric
Bogantes, Antonio
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Se establecieron dos experimentos de líneas de papaya en los cantones de Pococí y Guácimo de la provincia de Limón, Costa Rica, de Setiembre de 1999 a Agosto del 2000. Los tratamientos fueron seis líneas S2 de papaya derivadas de un híbrido entre la variedad ‘Sunrise Solo’ y un cultivar comercial nacional (criollo). Las variedades se evaluaron por sus características productivas y comerciales del fruto. La determinación del potencial comercial se efectuó tomando en cuenta el criterio de productores de la zona. Tres de las líneas mostraron potencial para ser evaluados a nivel de semicomercial.
Two assays were established from September 1999 to August 2000, in the Pococi and Guacimo districts of the province of Limon (Costa Rica), to determine the commercial potential of six papaya inbred lines. The treatments were six S2 papaya lines derived from the hybridization of the ‘Sunrise Solo’ variety and a local landrace. This determination took into account the criteria of papaya grower of the region. Three of these lines showed potential for further evaluation on a semicommercial scale.
Two assays were established from September 1999 to August 2000, in the Pococi and Guacimo districts of the province of Limon (Costa Rica), to determine the commercial potential of six papaya inbred lines. The treatments were six S2 papaya lines derived from the hybridization of the ‘Sunrise Solo’ variety and a local landrace. This determination took into account the criteria of papaya grower of the region. Three of these lines showed potential for further evaluation on a semicommercial scale.