La educación en valores y derechos humanos en la educación superior.
Washburn Madrigal, Stephanie (Compiladora)
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Este libro, como producto del proyecto inter-universitario “Educación en valores y derechos humanos en la formación docente”, con la participación de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Universidad Nacional y Universidad de Osnabrück y apoyado por el Servicio Académico de Intercambio Alemán (DAAD), se organiza en tres capítulos, el primero denominado: Un acercamiento filosófico para la formación docente con ejemplos de Alemania y Costa Rica, invita a reflexionar sobre la formación en derechos humanos y en valores en la educación superior y permite realizar un recorrido histórico sobre la concepción de los derechos humanos, su relación con la desigualdad y la exclusión, y cómo la educación intercultural surge como una alternativa para el garantizar el bien común.
El segundo capítulo, Investigación, presenta los resultados en primer lugar sobre el análisis a los planes de estudios de las carreras de formación docente de las universidades de Costa Rica, Nacional y de Osnabrück, en cuanto a la inclusión de contenidos en educación en derechos humanos y valores; a la vez que se incluyen los resultados de las consultas sobre las perspectivas del estudiantado y profesorado sobre cómo es la formación en esos aspectos.
El tercer y último capítulo, Buenas prácticas, explica qué es una buena práctica en educación en derechos humanos, brinda criterios para su reconocimiento y brinda ejemplos de las mismas.
ABSTRACT: This book, as a product of the interuniversity project "Education in values and human rights in teacher training", with the participation of the University of Costa Rica, the National University and the University of Osnabrück and supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), is organized into three chapters, the first called: A philosophical approach to teacher training with examples from Germany and Costa Rica, invites us to reflect on training in human rights and values in higher education and allows us to take a historical tour of the conception of human rights, their relationship with inequality and exclusion, and how intercultural education emerges as an alternative to guarantee the common good. The second chapter, Research, presents the results in the first place on the analysis of the study plans of the teacher training careers of the universities of Costa Rica, National and Osnabrück, in terms of the inclusion of content in human rights education. and values; At the same time, the results of the consultations on the perspectives of students and teachers on what training is like in these aspects are included. The third and final chapter, Good Practices, explains what a good practice in human rights education is, provides criteria for its recognition, and provides examples of such practices.
ABSTRACT: This book, as a product of the interuniversity project "Education in values and human rights in teacher training", with the participation of the University of Costa Rica, the National University and the University of Osnabrück and supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), is organized into three chapters, the first called: A philosophical approach to teacher training with examples from Germany and Costa Rica, invites us to reflect on training in human rights and values in higher education and allows us to take a historical tour of the conception of human rights, their relationship with inequality and exclusion, and how intercultural education emerges as an alternative to guarantee the common good. The second chapter, Research, presents the results in the first place on the analysis of the study plans of the teacher training careers of the universities of Costa Rica, National and Osnabrück, in terms of the inclusion of content in human rights education. and values; At the same time, the results of the consultations on the perspectives of students and teachers on what training is like in these aspects are included. The third and final chapter, Good Practices, explains what a good practice in human rights education is, provides criteria for its recognition, and provides examples of such practices.