Aproximación metodológica para evaluar la efectividad de profesores: estudio de los docentes de la Cátedra Xe0156 Universidad de Costa Rica
Muñoz Alvarado, José Alfonso
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El siguiente artículo presenta un primer acercamiento para medir de forma más precisa la efectividad de un profesor en cursos de cátedra, en este caso Introducción a la Economía para no economistas. Para lograr esto se utilizó un modelo probit basado en el modelo dinámico de efectividad y talento desarrollado por Holmström (1999), además de varias variables de control. Se logró realizar un ordenamiento de los 18 profesores de la cátedra para el segundo semestre del 2015 y, además, obtener resultados interesantes de las variables de control, como el tamaño óptimo que debería tener cada grupo.
The following article presents a first approach to more precisely measure the effectiveness of a teacher when giving a course in lectures, specifically in this case Introduction to Economics for non-economists. To achieve this, a probit model was used based on the dynamic model of effectiveness and talent developed by Holmström (1999), in addition to several control variables. It was possible to order the 18 professors of the chair for the second half of 2015 and also to obtain interesting results of the control variables, such as the optimal size that each group should have.
The following article presents a first approach to more precisely measure the effectiveness of a teacher when giving a course in lectures, specifically in this case Introduction to Economics for non-economists. To achieve this, a probit model was used based on the dynamic model of effectiveness and talent developed by Holmström (1999), in addition to several control variables. It was possible to order the 18 professors of the chair for the second half of 2015 and also to obtain interesting results of the control variables, such as the optimal size that each group should have.