Fortalecimiento y desarrollo del Plan Estratégico del 2009-2015 del INIE.
Cordero Cordero, Teresita
Páez Cerdas, Wendy
Goñi Ortiz, Ferdinando
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Este estudio tuvo por objetivo delinear una trayectoria especifica de acciones estratégicas (investigación, docencia, acción social, y administración) que le ayuden a encaminarse de la situación presente a un futuro deseable, según el plan estratégico 2009- 2015. En el año 2008 se inició un proceso de evaluación al Instituto como parte de las acciones que el INIE realiza para lograr la excelencia académica. Al respecto, se realizaron dos etapas coordinadas junto con la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la universidad de Costa Rica, esto es: la autoevaluación y la evaluación con la presencia de pares externos. Esta actividad permitió sentar las bases para el desarrollo del Plan Estratégico que tuvo, como característica principal, la participación de una gran cantidad de profesionales de diferentes áreas del conocimiento, relacionadas con la Universidad y las Ciencias Sociales, en general, así como la administración universitaria y los gremios de educadores.
Esta experiencia generó un producto final que fue sistematizado por el compañero Ferdinando Goñi Ortiz, quien fue el facilitador del proceso de elaboración del Plan Estratégico. En dicho informe se presentan los planeamientos conceptuales básico, la metodología de trabajo y los resultados del proceso. Asimismo, el Instituto, la Dirección, El Consejo Científico y el Consejo Asesor han sido los entes de decisión sobre lo que allí está contemplado.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to outline a specific trajectory of strategic actions (research, teaching, social action, and administration) that helped it to move from the present situation to a desirable future, according to the 2009-2015 strategic plan. In 2008 an evolution process began for the Institute as part of the actions that the INIE carries out to achieve academic excellence. In this regard, two coordinated stages were carried out together with the Research Vice-Rector of the University of Costa Rica, that is: self-evaluation and evaluation with the presence of external peers. This activity allowed laying the foundations for the development of the Strategic Plan that had, as its main characteristic, the participation of a large number of professionals from different areas of knowledge, related to the University and Social Sciences, in general, as well as the university administration. and the unions of educators. This experience resulted in a final product that was systematized by the colleague Ferdinando Goñi Ortiz, who was the facilitator of the process of elaboration of the Strategic Plan. This report presents the basic conceptual planning, the work methodology and the results of the process. Likewise, the Institute, the Directorate, the Scientific Council and the Advisory Council have been the decision-making bodies on what is contemplated there.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to outline a specific trajectory of strategic actions (research, teaching, social action, and administration) that helped it to move from the present situation to a desirable future, according to the 2009-2015 strategic plan. In 2008 an evolution process began for the Institute as part of the actions that the INIE carries out to achieve academic excellence. In this regard, two coordinated stages were carried out together with the Research Vice-Rector of the University of Costa Rica, that is: self-evaluation and evaluation with the presence of external peers. This activity allowed laying the foundations for the development of the Strategic Plan that had, as its main characteristic, the participation of a large number of professionals from different areas of knowledge, related to the University and Social Sciences, in general, as well as the university administration. and the unions of educators. This experience resulted in a final product that was systematized by the colleague Ferdinando Goñi Ortiz, who was the facilitator of the process of elaboration of the Strategic Plan. This report presents the basic conceptual planning, the work methodology and the results of the process. Likewise, the Institute, the Directorate, the Scientific Council and the Advisory Council have been the decision-making bodies on what is contemplated there.