Demand for maize seed in Costa Rica and its relationship with imports and agricultura policies
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Paniagua Molina, Hernán Javier
Solórzano Thompson, Johanna
Barboza Navarro, David
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Esta investigación determinó la relación entre la dinámica de las importaciones de semillas de maíz y la implementación de políticas agrícolas y comerciales sobre la dinámica de la demanda de semillas de maíz en Costa Rica. Las importaciones de maíz dependen del ingreso real per cápita de los consumidores nacionales,
precio internacional del maíz y políticas de liberalización comercial. La demanda de semilla depende de un factor técnico fijo por hectárea de maíz cosechado, por lo que modelamos la función de área cosechada de maíz, que resultó seguir un componente autorregresivo en respuesta a los impactos en el rendimiento y en el precio de los fertilizantes. Los formuladores de políticas pueden tener en cuenta estos hallazgos e incorporarlos en el diseño de políticas de seguridad alimentaria y relaciones comerciales.
This research determined the relationship between the dynamics of maize seed imports and the implementation of agricultural and trade policies on the dynamics of maize seed demand in Costa Rica. Maize imports depend on the real per capita income of national consumers, maize international price, and trade liberalization policies. The demand for seed depends on a fixed technical factor per hectare of maize harvested, so we modeled the maize harvested area function, which was found to follow an autoregressive component in response to yield and fertilizer price shocks. Policy makers can take these findings into account and incorporate them into the design of food security and trade relations policies.
This research determined the relationship between the dynamics of maize seed imports and the implementation of agricultural and trade policies on the dynamics of maize seed demand in Costa Rica. Maize imports depend on the real per capita income of national consumers, maize international price, and trade liberalization policies. The demand for seed depends on a fixed technical factor per hectare of maize harvested, so we modeled the maize harvested area function, which was found to follow an autoregressive component in response to yield and fertilizer price shocks. Policy makers can take these findings into account and incorporate them into the design of food security and trade relations policies.
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