El estudio de la inmigración desde la teoría de dinámica de tropas: el caso particular de los inmigrantes ecuatorianos en España
artículo original
Mora Umaña, Andrea Melissa
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Ciencias Económicas 28-No. 2: 2010 / 369-390 / ISSN: 0252-9521
En el siguiente ensayo se realizó una primera aproximación del estudio de los procesos migratorios desde las Ciencias Cognoscitivas y analizándolo desde la Teoría de Dinámica de Tropas, un modelo teórico en desarrollo. Se utilizó el caso de los inmigrantes ecuatorianos, para ejemplificar algunos de los conceptos y hacer el análisis desde un problema concreto particular. Partiendo de esta perspectiva, se incluyen elementos evolutivos, sociales y culturales que son fundamentales en nuestra especie y que permiten tener una mejor comprensión y hallar mejores explicaciones a fenómenos humanos. Es de especial interés estudiar aquellos elementos que son la interfaz entre los elementos culturales y biológicos que nos permiten comprender desde los orígenes profundos, las manifestaciones del comportamiento en los homo sapiens sapiens actuales. Ésta es una perspectiva novedosa que podría darnos respuestas alternativas a fenómenos tales como la migración y lo que sucede a nivel cognitivo, emocional y social.
The following experiment was carried out as a first approximation to the study of migration processes from the cognitive sciences and analyzed from the Theory of Dynamic Troops, so as to develope a theoretical model. We used the case of Ecuadorian immigrants, to illustrate some of the concepts to the analysis from a particular concrete problem. From this perspective, we include evolutionary components, social and cultural rights that are fundamental to our species and allow a better understanding and find better explanations of certain human phenomena. It becomes of particular interest to study those elements which are the interface between cultural and biological elements that might help us to understand from very deep origins which are certain behavioral manifestations in Homo sapiens today. This is a fresh perspective which might give us alternative responses to such phenomenon as migration and whatever happens at cognitive, emotional and social levels or ambits.
The following experiment was carried out as a first approximation to the study of migration processes from the cognitive sciences and analyzed from the Theory of Dynamic Troops, so as to develope a theoretical model. We used the case of Ecuadorian immigrants, to illustrate some of the concepts to the analysis from a particular concrete problem. From this perspective, we include evolutionary components, social and cultural rights that are fundamental to our species and allow a better understanding and find better explanations of certain human phenomena. It becomes of particular interest to study those elements which are the interface between cultural and biological elements that might help us to understand from very deep origins which are certain behavioral manifestations in Homo sapiens today. This is a fresh perspective which might give us alternative responses to such phenomenon as migration and whatever happens at cognitive, emotional and social levels or ambits.
Palabras clave
Migración, Evolución, Población