Efecto de sustratos orgánicos y fertilización inorgánica sobre la emergencia y desarrollo de plántulas de papaya (Carica papaya L.)
Bogantes, Antonio
Mora Eric
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Se estudió el efecto de diferentes sustratos orgánicos (vermicompost, compost de broza de café), así como de fertilización inorgánica (10-30-10, 18-46-0 y 20-20-20) mezclado con suelo a diferentes dosis y combinaciones sobre la emergencia y el desarrollo de plántulas de papaya (Carica papaya L.). El 10-30-10 y el 18-46-0 mezclado con el suelo retardaron y disminuyeron la emergencia de las plántulas. Sin embargo, el potasio del 10-30-10 promovió el desarrollo temprano de las plántulas. Los sustratos orgánicos mejoraron la emergencia de las plántulas, posiblemente por un efecto de acondicionamiento mátrico del suelo. Sin embargo, el vermicompost afectó negativamente el crecimiento debido a altos contenidos de aluminio y manganeso. El compost de broza de café al 50% en mezcla con suelo fue el mejor sustrato para germinación y desarrollo. La adición de 20-20-20 a 500 ppm a través del agua de riego mejoró todas las variables de crecimiento.
The effect of organic substrates (vermicompost and coffee-husk compost) and inorganic fertilization (10-30-10, 18-46-0 and 20-20-20) added to the soil at different doses and combinations on the emergence and growth of papaya seedlings (Carica papaya L.) was studied. The 10-30-10 and 18-46-0 combined with the soil media decreased and retarded seedling emergence. However, potassium from the 10- 30-10 promoted early plant development. Organic substrates improved seedling emergence, possibly because of a matric conditioning effect. However, the vermicompost media produced a poor plant development, due to a high aluminum and manganese content. The 50% coffee-husk compost was the best overall media for germination and plant growth. The addition of 20-20-20 to this media in the irrigation water at 500 ppm improved all of the growth variables.
The effect of organic substrates (vermicompost and coffee-husk compost) and inorganic fertilization (10-30-10, 18-46-0 and 20-20-20) added to the soil at different doses and combinations on the emergence and growth of papaya seedlings (Carica papaya L.) was studied. The 10-30-10 and 18-46-0 combined with the soil media decreased and retarded seedling emergence. However, potassium from the 10- 30-10 promoted early plant development. Organic substrates improved seedling emergence, possibly because of a matric conditioning effect. However, the vermicompost media produced a poor plant development, due to a high aluminum and manganese content. The 50% coffee-husk compost was the best overall media for germination and plant growth. The addition of 20-20-20 to this media in the irrigation water at 500 ppm improved all of the growth variables.