Diagnóstico de asimilación de la teoría de pulpotomía para la elaboración de una guía visual como estrategia didáctica

dc.creatorTéllez Tercero, Carolina
dc.descriptionA diagnosis was made of assimilation and accommodation based on the theoretical knowledge of “Pulpotomy treatment” among the 5th year students before making their first clinical treatment in this area. As a result of this survey it became clear that students memorize theoretical concepts learned in previous courses but without carrying out a genuine process of assimilation and accommodation of these concepts. The group of 42 students during O-0540 (Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics Clinic I) was divided randomly in two equal parts: a control group and study group. The Visual Guide Pulpotomy Treatment was developed as a didactic tool, to illustrate the procedure to the students in the study group, in order to facilitate the development of clinical skills before the clinical procedure, whereas the control group were provided with the Visual Guide after the procedure. Both groups agneed that the Visual Guide material of prime importance was as a complement, making them feel more confident in carrying out the treatment, reducing the stress and anxiety that generates facing this procedure for the first time. es-ES
dc.descriptionA diagnosis was made of assimilation and accommodation based on the theoretical knowledge of “Pulpotomy treatment” among the 5th year students before making their first clinical treatment in this area. As a result of this survey it became clear that students memorize theoretical concepts learned in previous courses but without carrying out a genuine process of assimilation and accommodation of these concepts. The group of 42 students during O-0540 (Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics Clinic I) was divided randomly in two equal parts: a control group and study group. The Visual Guide Pulpotomy Treatment was developed as a didactic tool, to illustrate the procedure to the students in the study group, in order to facilitate the development of clinical skills before the clinical procedure, whereas the control group were provided with the Visual Guide after the procedure. Both groups agneed that the Visual Guide material of prime importance was as a complement, making them feel more confident in carrying out the treatment, reducing the stress and anxiety that generates facing this procedure for the first time.en-US
dc.publisherUniversidad de Costa Ricaen-US
dc.rightsacceso abierto
dc.sourceOdovtos International Journal of Dental Sciences; Οδοντος (Odontos): Número 14; 27-31es-ES
dc.sourceOdovtos - International Journal of Dental Sciences; Οδοντος (Odontos): Número 14; 27-31en-US
dc.subjectvisual guideen-US
dc.titleDiagnóstico de asimilación de la teoría de pulpotomía para la elaboración de una guía visual como estrategia didácticaes-ES
dc.titleDiagnóstico de asimilación de la teoría de pulpotomía para la elaboración de una guía visual como estrategia didácticaen-US
dc.typeartículo original

