Sismicidad en Costa Rica durante el 2015
artículo original
Porras Loría, Juan Luis
Linkimer Abarca, Lepolt
Araya Rodríguez, María Cristina
Rojas Quesada, Wilfredo
Taylor Castillo, Magda
Barquero Picado, Rafael
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Durante el 2015 la Red Sismológica Nacional (RSN: UCR-ICE) localizó 6989 sismos de los cuales 168
fueron sentidos por la población. Se percibieron en Costa Rica 13 sismos con magnitud Mw > 5,0. La mayoría (86%) de los sismos percibidos fueron superficiales (< 30 km) y el 81% tuvo una magnitud (Mw) de entre 3,0 y 4,9. El fallamiento local y regional provocó el 61% de los sismos, seguido por el proceso de subducción de la placa del Coco que originó el 37%. Las zonas con la mayor concentración de sismos en el 2015 fueron las cordilleras volcánicas de Guanacaste y Central, la zona de Los Santos y una región al suroeste de la península de Nicoya. La intensidad máxima observada en el 2015 dentro de Costa Rica fue de V+ (Mercalli Modificada).
During 2015, the National Seismological Network (RSN: UCR-ICE) located 6989 earthquakes and reported 168 felt events. There were 13 significant earthquakes with magnitude Mw > 5.0. The majority (86%) of felt earthquakes were shallow (< 30 km) and 81% had magnitudes (Mw) between 3.0 and 4.9. Local and regional faulting caused 61% of the felt earthquakes and the subduction of the Cocos Plate caused 37%. The geographic areas with the highest seismicity during 2015 were the Guanacaste and Central volcanic cordilleras, Los Santos region, and an area offshore the Nicoya peninsula. The highest intensity observed in Costa Rica during 2015 was V+ (Modified Mercalli).
During 2015, the National Seismological Network (RSN: UCR-ICE) located 6989 earthquakes and reported 168 felt events. There were 13 significant earthquakes with magnitude Mw > 5.0. The majority (86%) of felt earthquakes were shallow (< 30 km) and 81% had magnitudes (Mw) between 3.0 and 4.9. Local and regional faulting caused 61% of the felt earthquakes and the subduction of the Cocos Plate caused 37%. The geographic areas with the highest seismicity during 2015 were the Guanacaste and Central volcanic cordilleras, Los Santos region, and an area offshore the Nicoya peninsula. The highest intensity observed in Costa Rica during 2015 was V+ (Modified Mercalli).
Palabras clave
Sismicidad del 2015, Fuentes sísmicas de Costa Rica, Sismos percibidos, Sismología, Sismos, Seismicity in 2015, Costa Rican seismic sources, Felt earthquakes, Seismology, Earthquakes, 551 Geología, hidrología, meteorología