Woody Allen lee a Dostoievski.


2012-08-16 00:00:00


Víquez Jiménez, Alí

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The article makes a comparison between two films of Woody Allen, Crimes and Misdemeanors and Match Point, and the fictional inter-text of Dostoyevsky. This author concludes that Woody Allen constructs a re-reading of the ethical problems derived from the atheism from which Dostoyevsky categorically separates himself, and although the Russian asserts that a moral order underlies the universe, Allen proposes that such order not only does not exist, but its absence demonstrates the nonexistence of God.
El artículo realiza una comparación entre dos filmes de Woody Allen, Crimes and Misdemeanors y Match Point , y el intertexto novelesco de Dostoievski. Concluye que Woody Allen construye una relectura de los problemas éticos derivados del ateísmo separándose de Dostoievski de una manera tajante: mientras el ruso preconizaba que un orden moral subyace al universo, Allen propone que tal orden no solo no existe sino que su ausencia demuestra la inexistencia de Dios.


