Consumo cultural del teatro en la ciudad de Bayamo. Una preocupación institucional en el contexto sociocultural actual
artículo original
Gómez González, Susell
Madrigal León, Diurkis Yarenis
Barrios Hechavarría, Donnaivis
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El presente estudio ubica un novedoso tema en el mundo del consumo cultural. El objetivo propicia
comprender el tratamiento de la dinámica del consumo teatral siguiendo el punto de vista de los funcionarios
del Consejo Provincial de Artes Escénicas, actores y directores que forman parte de las diferentes
instituciones teatrales de la ciudad de Bayamo. El trabajo prioriza un abordaje metodológico desde la
triangulación investigativa por datos, informantes, métodos y técnicas, tales como la observación científica
y entrevistas semiestructuradas. Los resultados develan la presencia de dificultades en la gestión
institucional que interfieren de forma negativa en el consumo teatral, se destacan elementos como la
programación, divulgación, calidad y producción de las puestas escénicas. En otro orden de implicaciones,
se acentúa una realidad que pertenece al contexto sociocultural de la ciudad, se constanta la pertinencia de posicionamientos culturales implícitos en el modo de vida que incluye aspectos conductuales,
hábitos, normas, costumbres vinculados con la idiosincrasia de su gente. De forma particular las implicaciones
socioculturales son aspectos influyentes en el accionar cotidiano, vinculado con la realidad
vivencial de los actores sociales, sus orígenes, tradiciones y particularidades de vida que conformadas
históricamente confluyen en las peculiaridades del bayamés de hoy.
This study places a new subject in the world of cultural consumption. The objective conducive to understand the treatment of theatrical dynamics of consumption following the point of view of officials of the Provincial Council of Performing Arts, actors and directors who are part of different theatrical institutions in the city of Bayamo. It prioritizes work a methodological approach from the research triangulation data, informants, methods and techniques, such as scientific observation and semi-structured interviews. The results reveal the presence of institutional management difficulties that interfere negatively in the theatrical consumption, including elements such as scheduling, disclosure, quality and production of scenic sunsets. In another implications, a reality that belongs to the sociocultural context of the city increases, the relevance of implicit culturals positionings in the way of life that includes behavioral aspects, habits, standards, related customs with the idiosyncrasies of its people constanta. In particular sociocultural implications are influential aspects in the daily actions, linked to the experiential reality of social actors, their origins, traditions and peculiarities of life that historically formed together in the peculiarities of Bayamo today.
This study places a new subject in the world of cultural consumption. The objective conducive to understand the treatment of theatrical dynamics of consumption following the point of view of officials of the Provincial Council of Performing Arts, actors and directors who are part of different theatrical institutions in the city of Bayamo. It prioritizes work a methodological approach from the research triangulation data, informants, methods and techniques, such as scientific observation and semi-structured interviews. The results reveal the presence of institutional management difficulties that interfere negatively in the theatrical consumption, including elements such as scheduling, disclosure, quality and production of scenic sunsets. In another implications, a reality that belongs to the sociocultural context of the city increases, the relevance of implicit culturals positionings in the way of life that includes behavioral aspects, habits, standards, related customs with the idiosyncrasies of its people constanta. In particular sociocultural implications are influential aspects in the daily actions, linked to the experiential reality of social actors, their origins, traditions and peculiarities of life that historically formed together in the peculiarities of Bayamo today.
Palabras clave
Consumo cultural, Instituciones teatrales, Práctica cultural, Cultural consumption, Theatrical institutions, Cultural practice