Fórmula para la promoción del éxito escolar. Guía para el trabajo colaborativo interdisciplinario.
Arguedas Negrini, Irma
Carpio Brenes, María de los Ángeles
Cordero Miranda, Natalia
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El éxito escolar es un proceso en el que intervienen múltiples factores, entre los que se destacan: la motivación, las creencias y los pares involucrados en la enseñanza y aprendizaje del estudiantado, como lo destaca el nombre de este libro: E=mc². Fórmula para la promoción del éxito escolar.
La motivación hace referencia a las expectativas de la persona estudiante sobre su capacidad de cumplir con las demandas escolares, el valor e importancia que estas tienen y el sentimiento de satisfacción que genera el realizarlas. Las creencias que la persona docente tiene con respecto a su rol en el proceso de enseñanza y las posibilidades de aprendizaje de sus estudiantes van a ser determinantes en el logro
de los objetivos educativos. El trabajo entre pares profesionales promueve el apoyo mutuo, la reflexión sobre las prácticas pedagógicas y la autorreflexión acerca del quehacer educativo, con el fin de mejorar el accionar en pro del bienestar integral del estudiantado y la implementación de la educación inclusiva.
Esta guía tiene el propósito de promover el éxito escolar y la educación inclusiva mediante el trabajo colaborativo interdisciplinario dentro de los contextos de aula. Se propone la ejecución de una serie de actividades dirigidas a profesionales y estudiantes, este apartado se divide en dos secciones. La primera propone diez actividades destinadas al grupo de pares profesionales involucrados en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje del estudiantado y la segunda presenta veinte actividades para el trabajo con las personas estudiantes, que tienen como objetivo común desarrollar la motivación en ellas, con base en los planteamientos de la Disciplina Positiva y de la teoría de crecimiento de las capacidades.
Todas las actividades pueden ser adaptadas según el contexto escolar, las características del estudiantado, las necesidades del profesorado y las demandas del proceso educativo. Cada una de ellas está redactada en un formato sencillo que contempla los siguientes aspectos: el número de la actividad, su respectivo nombre, el objetivo específico, los materiales que requiere, el procedimiento a seguir, un apéndice en las actividades que lo requieren y la fuente de donde se obtuvo la idea.
ABSTRACT: School success is a process in which multiple factors intervene, among which are: motivation, beliefs and the peers involved in the teaching and learning of the student body, as highlighted by the name of this book: E=mc². Formula for promoting school success. Motivation refers to the student's expectations about their ability to meet school demands, the value and importance they have, and the feeling of satisfaction generated by doing so. The beliefs that the teacher has regarding their role in the teaching process and the learning possibilities of their students will be decisive in the achievement of educational objectives. The work between professional peers promotes mutual support, reflection on pedagogical practices and self-reflection about educational work, in order to improve actions in favor of the integral well-being of the student body and the implementation of inclusive education. This guide is intended to promote school success and inclusive education through interdisciplinary collaborative work within classroom contexts. The execution of a series of activities aimed at professionals and students is proposed. This section is divided into two sections. The first proposes ten activities for the group of professional peers involved in the student teaching-learning process and the second presents twenty activities for working with students, whose common objective is to develop motivation in them, based on the approaches of Positive Discipline and the theory of growth of capacities. All activities can be adapted according to the school context, the characteristics of the student body, the needs of the teaching staff and the demands of the educational process. Each of them is written in a simple format that contemplates the following aspects: the number of the activity, its respective name, the specific objective, the materials it requires, the procedure to follow, an appendix on the activities that require it and the source from which the idea was obtained.
ABSTRACT: School success is a process in which multiple factors intervene, among which are: motivation, beliefs and the peers involved in the teaching and learning of the student body, as highlighted by the name of this book: E=mc². Formula for promoting school success. Motivation refers to the student's expectations about their ability to meet school demands, the value and importance they have, and the feeling of satisfaction generated by doing so. The beliefs that the teacher has regarding their role in the teaching process and the learning possibilities of their students will be decisive in the achievement of educational objectives. The work between professional peers promotes mutual support, reflection on pedagogical practices and self-reflection about educational work, in order to improve actions in favor of the integral well-being of the student body and the implementation of inclusive education. This guide is intended to promote school success and inclusive education through interdisciplinary collaborative work within classroom contexts. The execution of a series of activities aimed at professionals and students is proposed. This section is divided into two sections. The first proposes ten activities for the group of professional peers involved in the student teaching-learning process and the second presents twenty activities for working with students, whose common objective is to develop motivation in them, based on the approaches of Positive Discipline and the theory of growth of capacities. All activities can be adapted according to the school context, the characteristics of the student body, the needs of the teaching staff and the demands of the educational process. Each of them is written in a simple format that contemplates the following aspects: the number of the activity, its respective name, the specific objective, the materials it requires, the procedure to follow, an appendix on the activities that require it and the source from which the idea was obtained.
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