Pruebas fisicoquímicas para la evaluación de la calidad de una marca costarricense de tisanas de valeriana
artículo original
Mora Román, Juan José
Alvarado Fernández, María José
Apú Leitón, Navilla
Arroyo Solórzano, José David
Espeleta González, David
Piedra Navarro, Hellen
Blanco Barrantes, Jeimy
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La ingesta del té en la población se ha tornado una práctica cotidiana para la administración de sustancias con propiedades farmacológicas, como la valeriana. Los objetivos fueron evaluar algunos aspectos de la calidad fisicoquímica de las tisanas de valeriana de una marca comercializada en Costa Rica a través de diversas pruebas establecidas en el Reglamento Técnico Centroamericano (RTCA) e identificar si dichos aspectos se mantenían para tres lotes del mismo producto. Se llevaron a cabo los siguientes ensayos empleando los procedimientos encontrados en distintos documentos oficiales en Costa Rica (RTCA 11.04.41:06, Farmacopea de los Estados Unidos, Farmacopea Británica, Organización Mundial de la Salud) para tres lotes: pruebas organolépticas, requisitos de etiquetado, identificación, material foráneo, llenado mínimo, pérdida por secado y cenizas totales. Los tres lotes estuvieron conformes para las especificaciones dadas por los ensayos de identificación, material foráneo, llenado mínimo (aunque los valores fueron muy superiores respecto al etiquetado) y pérdida por secado, mientras que se encontraron no conformes para los requisitos de etiquetado (cumplieron 18 de los 23 rubros evaluados). La prueba de sabor fue no conforme para el lote 1 y la de cenizas totales estuvo no conforme para el lote 3. Por ende, existió variabilidad en los resultados entre los distintos lotes para los ensayos de pruebas organolépticas y cenizas totales. Esto demuestra que no existe un control estricto sobre el origen y el proceso de la materia prima empleada para la elaboración de las tisanas, así como del proceso de fabricación del producto final (control en el proceso de llenado) por ser comercializado en el mercado nacional, originando variaciones en el mismo.
The ingestion of tea in the population has become a daily practice for the administration of substances with pharmacological properties, like valerian. The objectives were to evaluate some aspects of the physicochemical quality of valerian tisanes of a brand marketed in Costa Rica through various tests established in the Central American Technical Regulation (RTCA) and to identify if these aspects were maintained for three batches of the same product. The following assays were carried out using the procedures found in various official documents in Costa Rica (RTCA 11.04.41:06, United States Pharmacopeia, British Pharmacopoeia, World Health Organization) for three batches: organoleptic tests, labeling requirements, identification, foreign material, minimum fill, loss on drying and total ash. The three batches were compliant to the specifications given by the identification, foreign material, minimum fill (although the values were much higher than the labeling) and loss on drying assays, while they were found to be noncompliant for labeling requirements (fulfilled 18 of the 23 items evaluated). The taste test was non-compliant for batch 1 and the one of total ash was non-compliant for batch 3. Therefore, there was variability in the results between the different batches for organoleptic and total ash assays. This shows that there is no strict control over the origin and the process of the raw material used for the preparation of the tisanes, as well as the final product manufacturing process (filling process control) to be commercialized in the national market, causing variations in it.
The ingestion of tea in the population has become a daily practice for the administration of substances with pharmacological properties, like valerian. The objectives were to evaluate some aspects of the physicochemical quality of valerian tisanes of a brand marketed in Costa Rica through various tests established in the Central American Technical Regulation (RTCA) and to identify if these aspects were maintained for three batches of the same product. The following assays were carried out using the procedures found in various official documents in Costa Rica (RTCA 11.04.41:06, United States Pharmacopeia, British Pharmacopoeia, World Health Organization) for three batches: organoleptic tests, labeling requirements, identification, foreign material, minimum fill, loss on drying and total ash. The three batches were compliant to the specifications given by the identification, foreign material, minimum fill (although the values were much higher than the labeling) and loss on drying assays, while they were found to be noncompliant for labeling requirements (fulfilled 18 of the 23 items evaluated). The taste test was non-compliant for batch 1 and the one of total ash was non-compliant for batch 3. Therefore, there was variability in the results between the different batches for organoleptic and total ash assays. This shows that there is no strict control over the origin and the process of the raw material used for the preparation of the tisanes, as well as the final product manufacturing process (filling process control) to be commercialized in the national market, causing variations in it.
Palabras clave
Té, Valeriana officinalis, Control de calidad, Tea, Quality control