El clima de la Sub-Estación Experimental de Fraijanes, en un ecosistema montano bajo y húmedo
Gutiérrez, Marco V.
Soto, Dagoberto
Alpízar, Melvin
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Se analizó el comportamiento de las principales variables que describen el clima con base en el registro de los datos meteorológicos colectados en la Estación Experimental de Fraijanes (EEF) de la Universidad de Costa Rica, ubicada en la falda sureste del Volcán Poás a una elevación de 1500 msnm. El clima de la EEF se caracteriza por una marcada estacionalidad en la distribución de los 3150 ± 577mm anuales de lluvia, que determina en gran medida el patrón anual de otras variables ambientales importantes para el desarrollo de las plantas y de las actividades agrícolas, tales como la radiación solar, la temperatura y la humedad relativa del aire. La estación seca se extiende de enero a marzo y la lluviosa de mayo a noviembre; abril y diciembre son meses de transición. La estación seca recibe mayor radiación (cerca de 18 MJ día-1) y experimenta más horas de brillo solar diarias (más de 8) y menor humedad atmosférica (cerca del 80%). En contraste, los meses lluviosos reciben menos de 12 MJ diarios de radiación solar, experimentan menos de 4 horas de brillo solar diarias y mayor humedad atmosférica (cerca del 90%). La temperatura promedio del aire es de 16,1 ± 1,1 °C y muestra una escasa variación anual que contrasta con las marcadas fluctuaciones diarias entre un mínimo promedio de 12,9°C y un máximo promedio de 21,4°C. La velocidad del viento también muestra una marcada estacionalidad determinada por la migración anual de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical. Enero, febrero y marzo son los meses más ventosos en los que la velocidad del viento supera los 10 km h-1, mientras que ésta no sobrepasa los 6 km h-1 durante la estación lluviosa. Las características bioclimáticas descritas anteriormente permiten clasificar la EEF dentro de la zona de vida del bosque húmedo montano bajo, de acuerdo al sistema de clasificación de Holdridge.
The meteorological record of climatic data collected at Fraijanes Experiment Station, University of Costa Rica, was examined. The Fraijanes Experiment Station is located on the south-eastern slope of the Poas Volcano, at 1,500 masl. The climate at the Fraijanes Experiment Station is characterized by a strong seasonality in the distribution of 3,150 ± 577 mm of annual rainfall, a pattern that largely determines the annual trend of other environmental variables such as solar radiation and air temperature and humidity, important for the development of plants and agriculture. The dry season spans from Jan. to April, and the rainy season from May to November; April and December are transition months. The dry season receives a higher radiation (ca. 18 MJ day-1), and experiences more daily sunshine hours (over 8) and lower atmospheric humidity (ca. 80%). In contrast, the rainy months receive less than 12 MJ day-1 of solar radiation, and experience less than 4 hours of daily sunshine and higher atmospheric humidity (ca. 90%). Average air temperature is 16.1±1.1°C and exhibits a slight annual variation, which contrasts with the sharp daily fluctuations between a minimum of 12.9 °C and a maximum of 21.4 °C. Wind speed also shows strong seasonality, largely determined by the annual migration of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone. January, February and March are windy months in which its speed surpasses 10 Km h-1. In contrast, wind speed does not exceed 6 Km h-1 during the rainy season. The bio-climatic characteristics described above place the Fraijanes Experiment Station within the wet and lower montane forest life zone, according to the Holdridge’s classification scheme.
The meteorological record of climatic data collected at Fraijanes Experiment Station, University of Costa Rica, was examined. The Fraijanes Experiment Station is located on the south-eastern slope of the Poas Volcano, at 1,500 masl. The climate at the Fraijanes Experiment Station is characterized by a strong seasonality in the distribution of 3,150 ± 577 mm of annual rainfall, a pattern that largely determines the annual trend of other environmental variables such as solar radiation and air temperature and humidity, important for the development of plants and agriculture. The dry season spans from Jan. to April, and the rainy season from May to November; April and December are transition months. The dry season receives a higher radiation (ca. 18 MJ day-1), and experiences more daily sunshine hours (over 8) and lower atmospheric humidity (ca. 80%). In contrast, the rainy months receive less than 12 MJ day-1 of solar radiation, and experience less than 4 hours of daily sunshine and higher atmospheric humidity (ca. 90%). Average air temperature is 16.1±1.1°C and exhibits a slight annual variation, which contrasts with the sharp daily fluctuations between a minimum of 12.9 °C and a maximum of 21.4 °C. Wind speed also shows strong seasonality, largely determined by the annual migration of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone. January, February and March are windy months in which its speed surpasses 10 Km h-1. In contrast, wind speed does not exceed 6 Km h-1 during the rainy season. The bio-climatic characteristics described above place the Fraijanes Experiment Station within the wet and lower montane forest life zone, according to the Holdridge’s classification scheme.