Implementación de un modelo de gestión de la innovación para empresas artesanales, pequeñas y medianas del sector farmacéutico en Costa Rica
artículo original
Madrigal Redondo, German
Baltodano Viales, Eleaneth
Blanco Barrantes, Jeimy
Porras Navarro, Marta
Loría Gutiérrez, Arlene
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El objetivo de este artículo es describir los resultados obtenidos de la implementación de un modelo socio-económico que permite gestionar la innovación en empresas artesanales a través de la articulación de sectores sociales, la Universidad de Costa Rica, la Facultad de Farmacia y el Instituto de Investigaciones Farmacéuticas. Se describen los principios del modelo, la caracterización y clasificación de las empresas, así como las acciones realizadas. La metodología empleada fue un análisis observacional, mediante la recolección, revisión y análisis prospectivo por triangulación de las acciones tomadas sobre variables tales como: tipos de actividad económica, puntos de venta, productos de las empresas, interrelaciones comerciales, sociales y de innovación, entre otros. Se demostró que la aplicación del modelo permitió el incremento de los indicadores mencionados, la generación de nuevos proyectos de investigación-desarrollo-innovación, así como el acceso a fondos y al fortalecimiento de la colaboración entre estudiantes, investigadores y las empresas artesanales.
The objective of this paper is to describe the results obtained from the implementation of a socioeconomic model that allows managing innovation in artisanal companies through the articulation of social sectors, the University of Costa Rica, the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Institute of Pharmaceutical Research. The principles of the model, the characterization and classification of the companies, as well as the actions carried will be described. The methodology used was an observational analysis, through the collection, review and prospective analysis by triangulation of the actions taken after variables such as: types of economic activity, number of: points of sale, products of the companies, commercial, social and innovation interrelations, among others. It has been fully demonstrated that the application of the model allowed the increase of the aforementioned indicators, the generation of new research-development-innovation projects, as well as access to funds and to the strengthening of collaboration among students, researchers and artisan businesses.
The objective of this paper is to describe the results obtained from the implementation of a socioeconomic model that allows managing innovation in artisanal companies through the articulation of social sectors, the University of Costa Rica, the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Institute of Pharmaceutical Research. The principles of the model, the characterization and classification of the companies, as well as the actions carried will be described. The methodology used was an observational analysis, through the collection, review and prospective analysis by triangulation of the actions taken after variables such as: types of economic activity, number of: points of sale, products of the companies, commercial, social and innovation interrelations, among others. It has been fully demonstrated that the application of the model allowed the increase of the aforementioned indicators, the generation of new research-development-innovation projects, as well as access to funds and to the strengthening of collaboration among students, researchers and artisan businesses.
Palabras clave
Empresas artesanales, Desarrollo socio-económico, Innovación, Industria farmacéutica, Microempresa, Vinculo Empresa-Universidad-Sociedad, Artisanal companies, Socio-economic development, Innovation, Pharmaceutical industry, Microenterprise, Business-University-Society Link