Ferias de Ciencia y Tecnología de Costa Rica: una experiencia que motiva la elección de carreras científicas y tecnológicas
artículo original
Retana Alvarado, Diego Armando
Vázquez Bernal, Bartolomé
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Este estudio exploratorio, analiza la influencia de las Ferias de Ciencia y Tecnología de Costa Rica en la escogencia de carreras científicas y tecnológicas, por parte de estudiantes de Bachillerato, procedentes de cinco regiones educativas, finalista del Programa Feria Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología en el período 2010-2013. En la etapa metodológica se utilizó el enfoque mixto, se encuestó a 45 estudiantes y se entrevistó a 11 representantes del Programa Nacional de Ferias de Ciencia y Tecnología. Los resultados sugieren que existen componentes motivantes, como el desarrollo de competencias científicas, el fomento de actitudes favorables, el acercamiento al quehacer científico, los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las Ciencias y el juzgamiento, que influyen en la escogencia de carreras en esas áreas. Dicha influencia se evidenció en una mayor preferencia por carreras tecnológicas y de corte científico en la escogencia al momento de ingresar a la universidad.
This exploratory study analyzes the influence of the Science and Technology Fairs of Costa Rica, on the choice of scientific and technological careers, by Baccalaureate students, from five educational regions of the country, finalist of the National Science and Technology Fair during 2010-2013. In the first stage of study, 45 students were surveyed. Also, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 representatives of the PRONAFECYT. The results suggest there are motivating components of the Science and Technology Fairs, such as the development of scientific competences, the promotion of favorable attitudes, the introduction to scientific work, the process of Science teaching and learning and assessment. Such influence was evident in a greater preference for technological careers and scientific studies at the time they first start university.
This exploratory study analyzes the influence of the Science and Technology Fairs of Costa Rica, on the choice of scientific and technological careers, by Baccalaureate students, from five educational regions of the country, finalist of the National Science and Technology Fair during 2010-2013. In the first stage of study, 45 students were surveyed. Also, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 representatives of the PRONAFECYT. The results suggest there are motivating components of the Science and Technology Fairs, such as the development of scientific competences, the promotion of favorable attitudes, the introduction to scientific work, the process of Science teaching and learning and assessment. Such influence was evident in a greater preference for technological careers and scientific studies at the time they first start university.
Palabras clave
Educación primaria, ferias de ciencia y tecnología, alfabetización científica, elección de carreras, science and technology fairs, scientific literacy, career choices, secondary education