Hedonic price for amenities in rural and urban residential condominiums in Costa Rica
artículo original
Paniagua Molina, Hernán Javier
Solórzano Thompson, Johanna
González Blanco, Carlos
Barboza Navarro, David
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As the number of homes located in condominiums increases, investigations should be promoted to
determine the implied price of additional amenities over the total price of the property. This study
evaluated the impact of multi-attribute and construction variables on the value of condominiums in
Costa Rica, using a hedonic pricing model of the amenities that influence the total price. Information
from condominiums located in all provinces of the country was used to determine the importance of
the variables studied. Through multiple regression analysis, it was determined that nine amenities
explain the behavior of the total price. This study shows that the project's internal and external
variables have a significant effect on sales prices and consumers' purchasing decisions. The most
significant variables were income, construction area, access to a pool and gym, and the type of
Palabras clave
Externalities, Valuation models, Real estate valuation, Property market, Amenities