Adolescencia e institución educativa: relaciones de poder-saber y subjetividad.
Grosser Guillén, Kattya
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El objetivo de este estudio es publicar y difundir la investigación realizada como tesis doctoral, cuyo tema gira en torno a la relación de poder-saber en la institución educativa y su peso en el proceso de estructuración subjetiva del adolescente. Se trata de repensar la escritura del documento de tesis, para darle formato de libro, lo cual, implica elegir un buen título y reestructurar el documento, ya que el actual obedece a las exigencias propias de una defensa de tesis que es sometida a un tribunal; además de seleccionar aquellas partes que pueden ser refundidas o eliminadas. Por otro lado, se deberá elegir el diseño y diagramación optimas con el fin de presentar un libro que resulte amigable al lector. Por otra parte se seleccionaron dos apartados del documento final para con ellos escribir dos artículos que cumplan con los requisitos de los comités editoriales que muestren interés en el tema.
Con la publicación, tanto del los artículos como del libro, se pretende brindar un aporte al análisis de la institución educativa y sus debilidades, utilizando tanto una perspectiva psicoanálitica como focultiana. En otras palabras, se pretende elaborar un aporte a la discusión actual sobre lo que se ha llamado el declive de la institución educativa. Lo anterior, dirigido a investigadores en educación, psicología social, psicoanálisis y ciencias sociales en general, así como a docentes y profesionales que laboran en la educación secundaria que estén interesados en el análisis y conocimiento de los procesos institucionales y su impacto en el desarrollo subjetivo del adolescente, con base en la investigación de los complejos nexos entre subjetividad, cultura y sociedad.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to publish and disseminate the research carried out as a doctoral theses, whose theme revolves around power relationship in the educational institution and its weight in the process of subjective structuring of adolescents. It is a question of rethinking the writing of the thesis to give it a book format which implies selecting a good title and restructuring the document since the current one complies with the demands of a thesis defense which is submitted to a tribunal, in addition to selecting those parts that can be merged or eliminated. On the other hand, the design and optimal design should be selected in order to present a book that is reader friendly. On the other hand, two sections of the final document were selected in order to write two articles that meet the requirements of the editorial committees that show interest in the topic. With the publication of both the articles and the book, it is intended to provide a contribution to the analysis of the educational institution and its weaknesses, using both a psychoanalytic and Foucauldian perspective. In other words, it is intended to put forth a contribution to the current discussion on what has been called the decline of the educational institution. The aforementioned aspect is aimed at researchers in education, social psychology, psychoanalysis and social sciences in general, as well as teachers and professionals who work in secondary education who are interested in the analysis and knowledge of the institutional processes and its impact on the subjective development of adolescents, based on the research of complex links between subjectivity, culture and society.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to publish and disseminate the research carried out as a doctoral theses, whose theme revolves around power relationship in the educational institution and its weight in the process of subjective structuring of adolescents. It is a question of rethinking the writing of the thesis to give it a book format which implies selecting a good title and restructuring the document since the current one complies with the demands of a thesis defense which is submitted to a tribunal, in addition to selecting those parts that can be merged or eliminated. On the other hand, the design and optimal design should be selected in order to present a book that is reader friendly. On the other hand, two sections of the final document were selected in order to write two articles that meet the requirements of the editorial committees that show interest in the topic. With the publication of both the articles and the book, it is intended to provide a contribution to the analysis of the educational institution and its weaknesses, using both a psychoanalytic and Foucauldian perspective. In other words, it is intended to put forth a contribution to the current discussion on what has been called the decline of the educational institution. The aforementioned aspect is aimed at researchers in education, social psychology, psychoanalysis and social sciences in general, as well as teachers and professionals who work in secondary education who are interested in the analysis and knowledge of the institutional processes and its impact on the subjective development of adolescents, based on the research of complex links between subjectivity, culture and society.
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