Iglesias evangélicas y la elección presidencial 2018 en Costa Rica
tesis de maestría
Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Alejandra
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Los resultados obtenidos por el Partido Restauración Nacional (PRN) en las elecciones del 2018 son considerados, hasta la fecha, el mayor éxito de los partidos políticos evangélicos en Costa Rica.
Desde la instauración del sistema multipartidista en Costa Rica, los partidos evangélicos han mantenido una presencia mínima, pero constante en la Asamblea Legislativa. Sin embargo, diversos elementos impactan su desempeño electoral entre ellos: las discusiones de carácter moral como consecuencia de agenda posmaterial, la expansión y evolución del movimiento evangélico en el país y la región. Además, la ola del Neopentecostalismo, que rompe la barrera para que líderes religiosos evangélicos se inserten en la vida política.
Con frecuencia los movimientos evangélicos establecen estrategias cada vez más sofisticadas para conquistar nuevos seguidores y proteger los intereses de su comunidad espiritual, especialmente ante la lucha social de los Nuevos Movimientos Sociales (NMS) por el reconocimiento de Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos (DRS), ideología de género, educación sexual, entre otros. Esta discusión se extrapola a escenarios legales, políticos y académicos, en estas esferas, los líderes de partidos evangélicos se han convertido en los voceros y contraparte de la agenda posmaterial, elemento que les dota de un capital político relevante.
Esta investigación desea identificar si la red de iglesias evangélicas tuvo o no relación en los resultados obtenidos por el PRN en el 2018, y de esta forma discernir si estas fungieron como plataforma de difusión de cara a un partido político joven y con una estructura partidaria más limitada que sus contrincantes en dicha elección.
A través de la comprobación empírica de una de las teorías que explican la avanzada política de los grupos neopentecostales en los procesos electorales. En este sentido, se sistematizará un directorio de iglesias evangélicas en Costa Rica, se analizarán diferentes grupos evangélicos y su transformación en actores políticos y mediante una regresión estadística se determinará si la infraestructura de las iglesias evangélicas es o no, el factor que potenció el desempeño del PRN durante las elecciones del 2018.
The results obtained by the Partido Restauración Nacional (PRN) in the 2018 elections are considered, to date, the greatest success of evangelical political parties in Costa Rica. Since the establishment of the multi-party system in Costa Rica, evangelical parties have maintained a minimal but constant presence in the Legislative Assembly. However, various elements impact their electoral performance, including moral discussions because of the post-material agenda, the expansion and evolution of the evangelical movement in the country and the region, and the Neopentecostalism, which breaks the barrier for evangelical religious leaders to enter political life. Evangelical movements frequently establish increasingly sophisticated strategies to win new followers and protect the interests of their spiritual community, especially in the face of the social struggle of the New Social Movements for the recognition of Sexual and Reproductive Rights, gender ideology, sexual education, among others. This discussion is extrapolated to legal, political and academic scenarios. In these spheres, the leaders of evangelical parties have become the spokespersons and counterparts of the post-material agenda, an element that provides them with relevant political capital. This research aims to identify whether the network of evangelical churches had a relationship with the results obtained by the PRN in 2018, and in this way to discern whether they served as a dissemination platform for a young political party with a more limited party structure than its opponents in that election. Through empirical verification of one of the theories that explain the political advancement of neo-Pentecostal groups in electoral processes. In this sense, a directory of evangelical churches in Costa Rica will be systematized, different evangelical groups and their transformation into political actors will be analyzed and through a statistical regression it will be determined whether the infrastructure of evangelical churches is the factor that boosted the performance of the PRN during the 2018 elections.
The results obtained by the Partido Restauración Nacional (PRN) in the 2018 elections are considered, to date, the greatest success of evangelical political parties in Costa Rica. Since the establishment of the multi-party system in Costa Rica, evangelical parties have maintained a minimal but constant presence in the Legislative Assembly. However, various elements impact their electoral performance, including moral discussions because of the post-material agenda, the expansion and evolution of the evangelical movement in the country and the region, and the Neopentecostalism, which breaks the barrier for evangelical religious leaders to enter political life. Evangelical movements frequently establish increasingly sophisticated strategies to win new followers and protect the interests of their spiritual community, especially in the face of the social struggle of the New Social Movements for the recognition of Sexual and Reproductive Rights, gender ideology, sexual education, among others. This discussion is extrapolated to legal, political and academic scenarios. In these spheres, the leaders of evangelical parties have become the spokespersons and counterparts of the post-material agenda, an element that provides them with relevant political capital. This research aims to identify whether the network of evangelical churches had a relationship with the results obtained by the PRN in 2018, and in this way to discern whether they served as a dissemination platform for a young political party with a more limited party structure than its opponents in that election. Through empirical verification of one of the theories that explain the political advancement of neo-Pentecostal groups in electoral processes. In this sense, a directory of evangelical churches in Costa Rica will be systematized, different evangelical groups and their transformation into political actors will be analyzed and through a statistical regression it will be determined whether the infrastructure of evangelical churches is the factor that boosted the performance of the PRN during the 2018 elections.
Palabras clave
Iglesias Evangélicas, Partidos políticos evangélicos, partidos políticos neopentecostales, elecciones presidenciales, neopentecostalismo