Control químico de Polygonum aviculare y otras malezas en el cultivo de la zanahoria (Daucus carota)
Villalobos, Allan
Herrera Murillo, Franklin
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Universidad de Costa Rica
En Los Angeles de Llano Grande, Cartago se realizaron tres experimentos con el propósito de seleccionar tratamientos para el control de la alfalfilla (P. aviculare) en el cultivo de zanahoria. Se evaluaron herbicidas aplicados en preemergencia y en posemergencia a ambas especies. Se encontró que los herbicidas linurón, oxifluorfén, oxadiazón, metribuzín y pendimetalina aplicados en preemergencia fueron efectivos para controlar P. aviculare, pero sólo el linurón fue selectivo a la zanahoria, mientras que la pendimetalina causó daños leves. Los herbicidas linurón, oxifluorfén y metribuzín aplicados sobre P. aviculare en estados de desarrollo de una a cuatro hojas, causaron efectos tóxicos a esta maleza; sin embargo solo linurón en dosis 0,75 a 1,25 kg i.a./ha y metribuzín a 0,35 kg/ha, fueron selectivos a la zanahoria. En un cuarto experimento se confirmó que los herbicidas linurón y pendimetalina o su mezcla, aplicados en preemergencia a la maleza y a la zanahoria, fueron eficaces en el control de P. aviculare y de otras malezas de hoja ancha y poáceas, sin dañar la zanahoria; además no fue necesaria una segunda aplicación en posemergencia. Los herbicidas linurón y metribuzin aplicados sobre plantas de P. aviculare en estado de desarrollo de seis hojas, no ejercieron con- trol sobre esta especie.
Three experiments were conducted, in Los Angeles of Llano Grande, Cartago, for the control of P. aviculare in a carrot’s orchard. The herbicide application, in pre- emergence and in post-emergence, was evaluated. The herbicides linuron, oxifluorfen, oxadiazon, metribuzin and pendimetalin in pre-emergence, were effective in order to control P. aviculare, but only the linuron was selective to the carrot, while the pendimetalin caused slight damages. In post-emergence to P. aviculare, with one to four leaves, the herbicides linuron, oxifluorfen and metribuzin caused toxicity to this weed; however only linurón in doses from 0.75 kg a.i./ha to 1.25 kg a.i./ha and metribuzin at 0.35 kg/ha, were selective to the carrot. The fourth experiment confirmed that the herbicide linuron and pendimetalin or their mixture, applied in pre-emergence to the weed and to the carrot, were effective in the control of P. aviculare, other broad leaf weeds and poaceas, without damaging the carrot; a second post-emergence application was not necessary. The herbicides linuron and metribuzin, applied on P. aviculare with six leaves, didn't control it.
Three experiments were conducted, in Los Angeles of Llano Grande, Cartago, for the control of P. aviculare in a carrot’s orchard. The herbicide application, in pre- emergence and in post-emergence, was evaluated. The herbicides linuron, oxifluorfen, oxadiazon, metribuzin and pendimetalin in pre-emergence, were effective in order to control P. aviculare, but only the linuron was selective to the carrot, while the pendimetalin caused slight damages. In post-emergence to P. aviculare, with one to four leaves, the herbicides linuron, oxifluorfen and metribuzin caused toxicity to this weed; however only linurón in doses from 0.75 kg a.i./ha to 1.25 kg a.i./ha and metribuzin at 0.35 kg/ha, were selective to the carrot. The fourth experiment confirmed that the herbicide linuron and pendimetalin or their mixture, applied in pre-emergence to the weed and to the carrot, were effective in the control of P. aviculare, other broad leaf weeds and poaceas, without damaging the carrot; a second post-emergence application was not necessary. The herbicides linuron and metribuzin, applied on P. aviculare with six leaves, didn't control it.