Composición de sedimentos en las zonas costeras de Costa Rica utilizando Fluorescencia de Rayos-X (FRX)
Salazar Matarrita, Alfonso
Lizano Rodríguez, Omar Gerardo
Alfaro Martínez, Eric J.
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Utilizando Fluorescencia de Rayos-X dispersiva en energía, que permite la evaluación simultánea de los isótopos estables de trece elementos, se analizaron setenta y cuatro muestras de sedimentos marinos de las regiones intermareales para las costas del Caribe y del Pacífico Norte, Central y Sur de Costa Rica. Los elementos calcio y hierro fueron los más abundantes y son representativos delorigen de la formación natural del sedimento, estando el primero asociado a procesos biogénicos, tales como sistemas arrecifales coralinos cercanos al sitio de muestreo y el segundo esta asociado mas bien a sedimentos de carácter litogénico. En general, las playas del Pacífico Norte mostraron la mayor concentración de calcio lo que es indicativo de mayor existencia de estructuras arrecifales en sus alrededores. El análisis de los elementos traza, ligados a un origen terrígeno, muestras un patrón similar al hierro en la mayoría de las regiones. Las playas del Pacífico Central y Sur muestran las mayores concentraciones de estos elementos traza, indicando una mayor contribución terrígena y/o poco contribución de carbonato de calcio debido al escaso desarrollo de estructuras coralinas en estas regiones. Por último, el análisis no mostró evidencia de contaminación antropogénica y solo una sección al norte de la Playa Puerto Viejo presentaron concentraciones altas de plomo zinc y titanio, lo cual podría estar ligado a fuentes hidrotermales en esta región.
Using an energy dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis, simultaneous evaluation of K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Ge, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, Rb, Sr and Pb in 74 marine sediment samples from the Costa Rica intertidal zones was conducted. Samples were collected between June 1999 and December 2001, from Caribbean and Pacific beaches of Costa Rica. Calcium and iron showed the highest abundances and are indicators of the natural origin of the sediments. Calcium is associated with biogenic processes such as coral reefs near the sampling sites and iron indicates a terrigenous origin. In general, the beaches of the Caribbean and North Pacific regions showed the greatest concentration of calcium. This is indicative of the abundant reef structures near these beaches. The beaches of the Central and South Pacific show the greatest iron concentrations, indicating an important lithosphere contribution and/or little contribution of calcium carbonate due to the poor development of coralline structures near the sampling sites. Finally, the analyses did not show evidence of elements associated with anthropogenic pollution. Only a northern section of Puerto Viejo beach showed high concentrations of lead, zinc and titanium, perhaps associated with hydrothermal sources.
Using an energy dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis, simultaneous evaluation of K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Ge, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, Rb, Sr and Pb in 74 marine sediment samples from the Costa Rica intertidal zones was conducted. Samples were collected between June 1999 and December 2001, from Caribbean and Pacific beaches of Costa Rica. Calcium and iron showed the highest abundances and are indicators of the natural origin of the sediments. Calcium is associated with biogenic processes such as coral reefs near the sampling sites and iron indicates a terrigenous origin. In general, the beaches of the Caribbean and North Pacific regions showed the greatest concentration of calcium. This is indicative of the abundant reef structures near these beaches. The beaches of the Central and South Pacific show the greatest iron concentrations, indicating an important lithosphere contribution and/or little contribution of calcium carbonate due to the poor development of coralline structures near the sampling sites. Finally, the analyses did not show evidence of elements associated with anthropogenic pollution. Only a northern section of Puerto Viejo beach showed high concentrations of lead, zinc and titanium, perhaps associated with hydrothermal sources.