Carreras de enseñanza bilingüe: un paso más en la ruta hacia la Costa Rica bilingüe
artículo original
Vargas González, María Fernanda
Noguera Salgado, Norman F.
Maroto Vargas, Ana Patricia
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Costa Rica viene realizando esfuerzos para mejorar el conocimiento de un segundo idioma en el estudiantado de primaria y secundaria desde 1994. Pese a los esfuerzos, los resultados no han sido los esperados. El presente artículo tiene por objetivo estudiar la pertinencia y necesidad de crear carreras centradas en la enseñanza bilingüe de alguna disciplina, por ejemplo, matemática. Para ello, se empleó un enfoque cualitativo en el que se realizó, entre 2020 y 2022, una consulta documental, 13 entrevistas semiestructuradas a personas expertas y una encuesta a más de 100 posibles personas empleadoras. Se destacan los esfuerzos que ha hecho el gobierno por mejorar la educación bilingüe tanto en primaria como en secundaria; sin embargo, estos no han sido suficientes para lograr el nivel deseado en cuanto al dominio de un segundo idioma. Las personas expertas coinciden en la necesidad que existe en el país de profesionales en educación con dominio del idioma inglés en materias potencialmente enseñables en ese idioma. Aunque no es el único factor, la falta de recurso humano capacitado no ha permitido que los colegios experimentales bilingües migren a colegios bilingües, por el mismo motivo, algunas instituciones se han visto en la necesidad de contratar docentes de inglés para que enseñen matemáticas o ciencias.
Since 1994, Costa Rica has been making efforts to improve the knowledge of a second language in primary and secondary school students. Nevertheless, the results have not been as expected. This article aims to study the relevance and need to create education bilingual programs in Costa Rica in disciplines, such as Mathematics. For this purpose, a qualitative approach was used. Documentary review, interviews with experts, and a survey was conducted to potential employers of future graduates. The efforts made by the government to improve bilingual education, both in primary and secondary levels, stand out; however, these have not been sufficient to achieve the desired level of language proficiency in students. Experts agree that there is a need in the country for education professionals with a mastery of the English language in subjects that can potentially be taught in English. Although it is not the only factor, the lack of trained human resources to take on this task has made difficult the appointment of teachers in experimental bilingual schools. That situation has not allowed them to become bilingual schools, and it has even led to the hiring of English teachers to teach mathematics or science.
Since 1994, Costa Rica has been making efforts to improve the knowledge of a second language in primary and secondary school students. Nevertheless, the results have not been as expected. This article aims to study the relevance and need to create education bilingual programs in Costa Rica in disciplines, such as Mathematics. For this purpose, a qualitative approach was used. Documentary review, interviews with experts, and a survey was conducted to potential employers of future graduates. The efforts made by the government to improve bilingual education, both in primary and secondary levels, stand out; however, these have not been sufficient to achieve the desired level of language proficiency in students. Experts agree that there is a need in the country for education professionals with a mastery of the English language in subjects that can potentially be taught in English. Although it is not the only factor, the lack of trained human resources to take on this task has made difficult the appointment of teachers in experimental bilingual schools. That situation has not allowed them to become bilingual schools, and it has even led to the hiring of English teachers to teach mathematics or science.
Palabras clave
FORMACIÓN DE DOCENTES, MATEMÁTICAS, EDUCACIÓN BILINGÜE, educación secundaria, teacher training, mathematics, bilingual education, secondary education, enseñanza bilingüe, bilingüismo, bilingualism