Los Ritmos Tradicionales de Guanacaste
Acevedo Álvarez, Raziel
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Se destacan tres ritmos musicales de la tradición oral guanacasteca, los cuales, en la región, tomaron características muy particulares: la parrandera, la danza y el pasillo. Los dos primeros entrelazan elementos africanos y españoles en compás binario y ternario, mientras que el último, es una acelerada variación
del vals europeo que conoció
el esplendor en el siglo XIX. Se describen los elementos rítmicos y melódicos particulares, para establecer la diferencia musical que existe con ritmos afines
de otras regiones latinoamericanas.
The musical rythms of the Guanacastecan oral traditions are empha- sized here. They took very particular charac- teristics in the region: the "parrandera" (rev- eller), the dance and the "pasillo". The first two combine African and Spanish element in a binary and tertiary compass while the last is an accelerated variation of the European waltz flourishing in the XIX Century. The par- ticular rythmical and melodical elements are described to establish the musical difference between other Latin American kindred rythms.
The musical rythms of the Guanacastecan oral traditions are empha- sized here. They took very particular charac- teristics in the region: the "parrandera" (rev- eller), the dance and the "pasillo". The first two combine African and Spanish element in a binary and tertiary compass while the last is an accelerated variation of the European waltz flourishing in the XIX Century. The par- ticular rythmical and melodical elements are described to establish the musical difference between other Latin American kindred rythms.