Reflexiones en torno al vínculo género-educación superior
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Acuña Rodríguez, María del Carmen
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Facutad de Educación, Universidad de Costa Rica
Este es un ensayo teórico-reflexivo que pretende responder a la pregunta qué papel ha tenido la educación superior en la reproducción de prácticas de desigualdad entre los géneros. Para ello, dado que es un trabajo teórico-reflexivo, se presentan ideas construidas por la autora a partir de revisión bibliográfica y de sus propias reflexiones, derivadas del conocimiento y la experiencia adquiridos en los ámbitos académico y de activismo feminista. El ensayo se desarrolla en tres apartados. El primero, Educación superior y desigualdad de género, es una exposición del tema siguiendo perspectiva social, donde se abordan reflexiones como el ordenamiento de la sociedad en categorías binarias de género y la situación de las mujeres en la ciencia y las universidades. En el segundo apartado, Aproximaciones para entender el vínculo Género-Educación Superior, se brindan aclaraciones teóricas básicas en torno al enfoque de género y se mencionan algunas perspectivas desde las cuales se puede analizar la desigualdad de género en el nivel terciario de la educación; también, se hace una breve referencia a los procesos de diseño curricular y las intencionalidades presentes en las universidades. El tercer apartado, Currículum universitario, políticas públicas y cambio social, versa sobre la importancia de la educación superior para las sociedades, haciendo énfasis en la construcción de políticas públicas y en la generación de cambios sociales.Como conclusión, se afirma que es posible analizar el vínculo género-educación superior a partir de referentes teóricos e investigaciones existentes. La desventaja de las mujeres en el ámbito universitario es una realidad que requiere un cambio sociocultural y estructural; para lograrlo, es necesario desarrollar estrategias y acciones conjuntas entre diversos actores sociales, orientadas a impulsar prácticas igualitarias y equitativas entre los géneros dentro de la academia.
This is a theoretical and reflexive essay that expects to answer the question which role does the Higher Education has had in the dissemination of gender inequalities. To achieve this, three sections are developed. The first section, explores Higher Education and gender inequality according to a social perspective, where considerations such as how society is arranged in gender binary categories, and women’s situation in science and universities are addressed. The second section, Approaches for understanding the Gender-Higher Education bond, gives basic theoretical explanations about the gender approach, and mentions some Useful perspectives in order to analyze gender inequality in the tertiary level of education; in addition, it offers a brief reference about curricular design processes and intentions at universities. The third section, University curriculum, public policies and social change, refers to the importance Higher Education has in society, highlighting the development of public policies and the generation of social changes. As a conclusion, it affirms that it is possible to analyze the Gender-Higher Education bond upon theoretical references and available research. Women’s disadvantage in University is a reality that requires a social-cultural and structural change; to reach it, it is necessary to develop joint strategies and actions among diverse social agents, oriented to promote fair and equal actions between genders inside academy
This is a theoretical and reflexive essay that expects to answer the question which role does the Higher Education has had in the dissemination of gender inequalities. To achieve this, three sections are developed. The first section, explores Higher Education and gender inequality according to a social perspective, where considerations such as how society is arranged in gender binary categories, and women’s situation in science and universities are addressed. The second section, Approaches for understanding the Gender-Higher Education bond, gives basic theoretical explanations about the gender approach, and mentions some Useful perspectives in order to analyze gender inequality in the tertiary level of education; in addition, it offers a brief reference about curricular design processes and intentions at universities. The third section, University curriculum, public policies and social change, refers to the importance Higher Education has in society, highlighting the development of public policies and the generation of social changes. As a conclusion, it affirms that it is possible to analyze the Gender-Higher Education bond upon theoretical references and available research. Women’s disadvantage in University is a reality that requires a social-cultural and structural change; to reach it, it is necessary to develop joint strategies and actions among diverse social agents, oriented to promote fair and equal actions between genders inside academy
Palabras clave
Género, Educación Superior, Currículo, Políticas Públicas, Gender, Higher Education, Curriculum, Public Policies