Veinticinco años de mejoramiento en los sistemas de maíz en Centroamérica: logros y estrategias hacia el año 2000.
Córdova Orellana, Hugo Salvador
Castellanos, Salvador
Bolaños, Jorge
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Universidad de Costa Rica
La ciencia y la tecnología constituyen la brecha másimportante entre la pobreza y la prosperidad. Durante el últimocuarto de siglo, la introducción de prácticas tecnológicasbasadas en la ciencia, han ayudado a muchos países en desarrolloa alcanzar una relación favorable entre la producciónde alimentos y el crecimiento de la población. En Centroamé-rica y El Caribe el mejoramiento genético del maíz ha contribuidoa la liberación de aproximadamente 80 cultivares quehan sido multiplicados y distribuidos por una industria de semillasdinámica y progresista. Estos cultivares, asociados conprácticas agronómicas apropiadas, han permitido aumentar laproductividad del maíz en la región, lo que ha representado elincremento del rendimiento en un 60% aproximadamente,siendo este aspecto más significativo en países como El Salvadory Guatemala que duplicaron los rendimientos y mejoraronel autoabastecimiento de maíz. Los cultivares tolerantesal achaparramiento y adaptados a condiciones dehumedad limitada, están desempeñando un papel muy importanteen el mantenimiento sustentable de la producción. La liberación de híbridos modernos de maíz, tolerantes a factoresadversos, bióticos y abióticos, contribuirá a reducir las pérdidaspostcosecha. El mejor entendimiento de algunos aspectosfisiológicos correlacionados con el rendimiento y la incorporación de índices de selección más eficientes en las metodologías de mejoramiento para ambientes adversos, han mejoradolas técnicas de selección.
Science and technology constitute the mostimportant bridge between prosperity and poverty. During thelast quarter of the century, the introduction of moderntechnology based on science, has assisted developed countriesto reach a favorable balance between food production andpopulation growth. In Central America, corn breeding hascontributed to the release of near a hundred varieties that havebeen multiplied and distributed by a dynamic and progressiveseed industry. These new maize hybrids associated with theproper agronomy practices have increased maize productivityin the region by 60% yield in the past 15 years. This iscertainly a fact in El Salvador and Guatemala that duplicatedthe yields and self-sufficiency in corn. New varieties resistantto biotic and abiotic stresses are playing a very important rolein the sustainability of maize production. The future releaseof new modern hybrids resistant to such stresses willcontribute to reduce the post-harvest losses. The betterunderstanding of some physiological aspects correlated withyield and more effective methods of selection in maizebreeding have contributed to improve the selectiontechniques, however, the weakness of the national researchand extension programs, the lack of economic resources toagricultural production and seed industry and thedeterioration of the natural resources call for a new integratedregional effort. This new effort should be focussed in thesustainable production that guarantees the increase inproductivity in the next two decades.
Science and technology constitute the mostimportant bridge between prosperity and poverty. During thelast quarter of the century, the introduction of moderntechnology based on science, has assisted developed countriesto reach a favorable balance between food production andpopulation growth. In Central America, corn breeding hascontributed to the release of near a hundred varieties that havebeen multiplied and distributed by a dynamic and progressiveseed industry. These new maize hybrids associated with theproper agronomy practices have increased maize productivityin the region by 60% yield in the past 15 years. This iscertainly a fact in El Salvador and Guatemala that duplicatedthe yields and self-sufficiency in corn. New varieties resistantto biotic and abiotic stresses are playing a very important rolein the sustainability of maize production. The future releaseof new modern hybrids resistant to such stresses willcontribute to reduce the post-harvest losses. The betterunderstanding of some physiological aspects correlated withyield and more effective methods of selection in maizebreeding have contributed to improve the selectiontechniques, however, the weakness of the national researchand extension programs, the lack of economic resources toagricultural production and seed industry and thedeterioration of the natural resources call for a new integratedregional effort. This new effort should be focussed in thesustainable production that guarantees the increase inproductivity in the next two decades.