Recursos didácticos para la mediación pedagógica de la comprensión lectora inferencial en Educación Secundaria (MEDICI).
Gallardo Álvarez, Isabel
Guzmán Simón, Fernando
Méndez Anchía, Silvia
Ramírez Molina, Catalina
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El objetivo del estudio fue desarrollar recursos didácticos para la mediación pedagógica de la comprensión lectora inferencial a través del currículum de Español del tercer ciclo de la Educación General Básica, posicionado en la metodología del anclaje y dentro de la Pedagogía Crítica. La metodología que se empleó para este proyecto se presentó para cada uno de los objetivos puesto que el proyecto presentado no es una investigación empírica ni una intervención educativa. Por ese motivo, el proyecto plantea el desarrollo de recursos didácticos que mejoren la preparación del profesorado en su ejercicio como mediadores de la comprensión lectora inferencial de los textos del currículum. Los sujetos participantes fueron 8 docentes de Español en ejercicio, siete mujeres y un hombre. Para el cumplimiento de los objetivos se usaron distintas herramientas: entrevista semiestructurada, rúbrica de análisis y prueba de comprensión lectora. Entre las reflexiones a las palabras del grupo docente están las siguientes: Para elaborar los recursos didácticos que les proporcionen a los docentes de Español una forma de mediación pedagógica para encarar la comprensión lectora inferencial en las aulas, hay que partir de las necesidades que estos evidencias y también de suplir las carencias que muestran en el conocimiento del tema y en la mediación pedagógica que del tema tienen. Las respuestas del grupo docente muestran que están más interesados o preocupados en pensar en la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes que en la de ellos mismos, por lo tanto, si no conocen su forma de leer, su nivel de comprensión lectora y su alcance de hacer una lectora inferencial y crítica, es difícil que consigan llevar al estudiantado a estos niveles de lectura. En sus reflexiones en torno a la comprensión lectora no se visualiza que consideren que el primer paso es que ellos comprendan la temática y sepan enseñarla. También se evidencia una escasa apropiación conceptual de la comprensión lectora por parte de los entrevistados, no pueden poner en palabras los procesos que entran en juego en la comprensión lectora y mucho menos enseñar estas estrategias a sus estudiantes. Por lo anterior, al grupo de docentes entrevistados se les dificulta referirse al desarrollo de estrategias de mejora de su propia lectura. No parecen diferenciar entre sus estrategias personales de lectura y las que aplican en su quehacer escolar Algunos entrevistados, al no tener claras sus propias estrategias de mejor con la lectura, mencionan escasas estrategias de autoconocimiento y autorregulación. La principal estrategia que mencionan es reflexionar acerca de cómo leen y qué hacen durante el proceso, sin embargo, esto no es suficiente para enseñar comprensión lectora, en este aspecto se estaría apenas en un primer peldaño.
ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to develop didactic resources for the pedagogical mediation of inferential reading comprehension through the Spanish curriculum of the third cycle of Basic General Education, positioned in the anchoring methodology and within Critical Pedagogy. The methodology used for this project was presented for each of the objectives since the project presented is not an empirical investigation or an educational intervention. For this reason, the project proposes the development of didactic resources that improve the preparation of teachers in their exercise as mediators of inferential reading comprehension of curriculum texts. The participating subjects were 8 practicing Spanish teachers, seven women and one man. To meet the objectives, different tools were used: semi-structured interview, analysis rubric and reading comprehension test. Among the reflections on the words of the teaching group are the following: In order to develop the didactic resources that provide Spanish teachers with a form of pedagogical mediation to address inferential reading comprehension in the classroom, it is necessary to start from the needs that these evidences and also to make up for the deficiencies that they show in the knowledge of the subject and in the pedagogical mediation that they have of the subject. The responses of the teaching group show that they are more interested or concerned about thinking about the reading comprehension of the students than about their own, therefore, if they do not know their way of reading, their level of reading comprehension and their scope of doing an inferential and critical reader, it is difficult for them to get the student body to these levels of reading. In their reflections on reading comprehension, it is not seen that they consider that the first step is for them to understand the subject and know how to teach it. There is also evidence of poor conceptual appropriation of reading comprehension by the interviewees, they cannot put into words the processes that come into play in reading comprehension, much less teach these strategies to their students. Due to the above, it is difficult for the group of teachers interviewed to refer to the development of strategies to improve their own reading. They do not seem to differentiate between their personal reading strategies and those they apply in their school work. Some interviewees, not being clear about their own strategies for improving reading, mention few self-knowledge and self-regulation strategies. The main strategy they mention is to reflect on how they read and what they do during the process, however, this is not enough to teach reading comprehension, in this regard, one would only be on the first step.
ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to develop didactic resources for the pedagogical mediation of inferential reading comprehension through the Spanish curriculum of the third cycle of Basic General Education, positioned in the anchoring methodology and within Critical Pedagogy. The methodology used for this project was presented for each of the objectives since the project presented is not an empirical investigation or an educational intervention. For this reason, the project proposes the development of didactic resources that improve the preparation of teachers in their exercise as mediators of inferential reading comprehension of curriculum texts. The participating subjects were 8 practicing Spanish teachers, seven women and one man. To meet the objectives, different tools were used: semi-structured interview, analysis rubric and reading comprehension test. Among the reflections on the words of the teaching group are the following: In order to develop the didactic resources that provide Spanish teachers with a form of pedagogical mediation to address inferential reading comprehension in the classroom, it is necessary to start from the needs that these evidences and also to make up for the deficiencies that they show in the knowledge of the subject and in the pedagogical mediation that they have of the subject. The responses of the teaching group show that they are more interested or concerned about thinking about the reading comprehension of the students than about their own, therefore, if they do not know their way of reading, their level of reading comprehension and their scope of doing an inferential and critical reader, it is difficult for them to get the student body to these levels of reading. In their reflections on reading comprehension, it is not seen that they consider that the first step is for them to understand the subject and know how to teach it. There is also evidence of poor conceptual appropriation of reading comprehension by the interviewees, they cannot put into words the processes that come into play in reading comprehension, much less teach these strategies to their students. Due to the above, it is difficult for the group of teachers interviewed to refer to the development of strategies to improve their own reading. They do not seem to differentiate between their personal reading strategies and those they apply in their school work. Some interviewees, not being clear about their own strategies for improving reading, mention few self-knowledge and self-regulation strategies. The main strategy they mention is to reflect on how they read and what they do during the process, however, this is not enough to teach reading comprehension, in this regard, one would only be on the first step.